leg stuck in cage

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The steroid can cause you a whole host of other issues, since this chin is not in a life threatening situation such as the one in the link posted I would NOT give it in this case. Metecam would give both, reduction in swelling and pain relief. Also, I would not use a fluoroquinolone antibiotic in this case unless the infection became serious, as a preventative I would use TMS or a sulfa based antibiotic, the fluoroquinolone can and will cause loss of appetite, so be prepared to hand feed critical care, even well after the use of this antibotic is done.
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I wondered if it was dislocated too. I'm sure she is in a lot of pain, so not using it is most likely more comfortable for her.

She needs something topical on that wound or it will dry out before it starts to heal. Drying out will make it more uncomfortable/tight and she may start to chew it or excess licking.

I would get a second opinion as it seems the first vet did not have enough knowledge about chins.
Is it still actively bleeding like the first pic? If it was dislocated the vet should have put it back in the socket-I had a tripod who dislocated his hip and knee, the vet put it back. I agree with the others, chin really needs to see a second vet for another opinion.
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I am still suspecting there is some nerve damage (due to the way she is holding her leg & toes). If you (gently) pinch her toe does she move her leg?

The risk here is that the leg continues to be damaged because she is dragging it - she needs a full vet assessment by a chinchilla competent vet.
i will call in the morn and find someone but where i live its not likeley. i tryed pinching them she dosent move ???? when the vet did it she moved but she also dident know her. am i not doing it hard enof?
If she's not reacting then I would definitely take her to the vet tomorrow. Also, you will need to keep a good eye on her over night just in case she starts chewing her leg.
She needs to be eating, drinking, peeping, pooping - since you don't know how long she was hanging from the bars she may be in shock too.
There's some information on shock here which might help (http://www.azure-chinchillas.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=150&Itemid=148).
If she is sleeping, is not eating, drinking, peeing or pooping then you need to step in & help her.

The basics are:
Quiet/peaceful cage position.
Warmth (a small hot water bottle or heat pad under part of the cage so she can get away from it is helpful)
Food (no sugar, high fibre foods)
Fluids (a dehydrated chin will not eat & will be lethargic).
i did its wood no ramps??? how did this happen????
Sorry, the way you described it earlier it sounded like a ramp to me.

Without seeing her cage and the location that you found her, we have no way of knowing.
Which animals hospital did you go to? Maybe some of us on here can try to find another in your area?
Google came up with pleasant valley ah and altoona veterinary clinic in altoona, PA. Also Lakemont Veterinary clinic in Lakemont PA. I don't know how far these arebut maybe its worth a shot to call and see if they have anyone who knows chins well. Maybe worth the drive if you find someone