is it normal for his..private parts to be hanging...

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Jun 18, 2012
I have a 3 month old chinchilla, male.
And i notice, well.. his ding dong. "private parts"
Just pokes out, all the time.

I dont see hair rings. Is this normal? Most of my animals are males, and they keep there "parts" in.
Can you post a picture? How much is out? It might just be his penis sheath. Is it the penis or the sheath? If it's the penis use a tiny bit of plain k-y jelly and try to get it to slide back in. Please update, it can't stay out
I had a customer bring back an older baby where it did get a hair ring and when they removed it, they were not gentle enough and ruined the muscle so his penis would not stay in the sheath anymore. The vet said he would be fine and could even breed, but it did cause his penis to stay very dry almost callused, but that was the only health issue (I don't know why this would be because a circumsized penis is not like that.) I gave him to a customer who wanted to take care of him (he has a super sweet disposition) and he is doing great the last time I heard.
I just got my male a week and a half ago and he is about the same age.. I notice his sticks out just a teeny bit, only noticeable if you look close. He has never been checked for a hair ring that I know of, is this something I should be worried about as well?
Ill post pictures, if i figure how using a tablet.
I dont know what a sheath is? Lol
I just see something hanging out all the time!!
It should go back in on its own. It could very well be he just finished up cleaning himself when you saw it. As long as its not out a considerable amount for a long period of time it should be ok. Otherwise you can help him out by using KY. Also, be forewarned that some males are more, um, thorough when cleaning themselves. So it could happen a lot...
It would be good to have a breeder show you how to do a hair ring check since you have males. I always show my customers how to do a hair ring check who purchase males, just to play if safe and so they are prepared, just in case. I always check any male, baby or adult, before they leave. I did lose a male chinchilla who had just a single hair wrapped around the base of his penis. It can cut off the circulation and be very serious. I am not trying to scare you, but it is important. I check all of my males once a week and am also always on the look out for a male who is cleaning himself more than usual or "hanging out" of the sheath. I have 2 males that always have large hair rings; one guy has them daily. (He is the one I use for hair ring demonstrations). Most of the time, in my herd, only a few males that are in breeding will have them (maybe 4 out of 100 males), but I have had a baby male as young as 3 months get a hair ring. This may be caused from the baby male riding the other baby males in the cage, to establish dominance. If you have only 1 chinchilla it will probably not be an issue, but it would still be good to know how to check, just to be safe.