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Feb 14, 2010
Hi there. I'm new to this site and I need help....
I believe my chin is male ( first chin owner) and about 15 mins ago, I noticed him "grooming" and appeared out of nowhere in his hands this waxy white stuff almost like it was in a casing and I have no idea what this is! He (sorry to be graphic) started eating it. He threw it away about halfway so I picked it up with a napkin to examine it and it was kind of dry......
He is acting normally and just as hyper and playful as ever. He is eating and drinking good...so any help as to what this thing might be would be wonderful!

Also do male chins go into heat?

Thank you so much for your help :)
Are you sure it wasn't a hair ring? Usually when they are "grooming" they are trying to remove a hair. Otherwise, he may have ejaculated, but that usually doesn't appear as a dry clump.
Are you sure it's a male. Pick him up and look at his parts. If he is really a he, there will be quite a space between the two parts. If he is a she, they will be touching.

What you are describing sounds like a girl to me.

If you post a picture, we can tell you for sure.
This didn't have any hair attached to it and reading other articles( which I should have looked at ) kinda sounds like a heat plug because its about 1/4 inch in length maybe slightly smaller...It was kind of goopy in the middle with a waxy outer. Does that sound abut right?
I'm wondering if I actually have a girl...He/she is only 6 months and do they go into heat that early?
Oh God, I gave my poor chin a complex! SHE is definatly a girl then. I feel so bad for calling her a he for the last 3 months...:oops:

I'm glad this "thing" is normal. I was quite worried. I'm glad I found you guys. I would have been panicking all night! I've had a degu for 7 years (RIP) and they are quite different even though they are related..

I'll be hanging out here quite a bit because obv I have a lot to learn :)
Lots and LOTS of people make that mistake, so don't feel bad. It's especially bad when people get their chins from pet stores, because they are extremely confused.

Welcome to CnH. :)
Thanks.:) I feel better. I got HER from a girl whose chin had babies and she had no idea either as hers is her first.

Thank you very much everyone. I feel very much at ease now:thumbsup:
Welcome to the forum.

I got my first chinchilla from a 'backyard breeder'. The 'breeder' was positive the chin I got was a male. It was most definitely a female, I later found out from this forum. (Well, CnQ) That mistake happens all the time.
Thanks:) You guys helped a lot!
I guess it would be easy to make that mistake because males and females more or less look the same.... At least I can rest easy now:) She ( i have to get used to that) is adorable so I'm glad she is ok.:D