Hypothetical question

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I agree the distance can be very difficult. Especially when gas is 6.35$ a gallon up here these days.
I am not certain, but with a webcam, is the picture clear enough to be able to see what the judge is talking about. Asking, for I do not have one and am curious.

I do plan on bring more chins this year at NY/NE even if I know they will not do well for the same reasons as everyone else.
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I have done webcam broadcasting and am familiar with it. Yes, depending on where the cam is located in relation to the judge/speaker/show table - and the quality of the camera - it should be clear enough to see and hear what's going on.

The issue is MOST shows are held in places that do not have high speed internet access, or any access at all. The Mansfield show is the only one I was aware of that did have access, but since it moved from the hotel to the American Legion, we lost that.

Also, as Jags pointed out once, part of what makes seminars and shows a success is the attendance. Entry fees help make the shows/seminars possible, and people there to ask questions make it more educational.
The issue is MOST shows are held in places that do not have high speed internet access, or any access at all. The Mansfield show is the only one I was aware of that did have access, but since it moved from the hotel to the American Legion, we lost that.

You are absolutely correct on this. I've only been to the WI shows and seminar and they are held at a legion hall as well. No wi-fi near there that I could pick up and cell service was very shotty for me there as well.

Also, as Jags pointed out once, part of what makes seminars and shows a success is the attendance. Entry fees help make the shows/seminars possible, and people there to ask questions make it more educational.

I know of people who have driven for over 10 hours to get to a show for the experience or knowing how important it is to attend. I also know gas, room & board can add up but if you can tag along with a buddy or stay with other people attending a show, it might not be that bad. We've had 5 or 6 in 2 adjoining rooms and the cost of the hotel for 2 nights came out to $20-24 per person, per night.
It is the educational seminars I would be interested in. Having said that I go to as many shows as I can afford to attend. And I do understand the buddy system for sharing costs.

The seminars could also be recorded and offered up on the main MCBA or EMPRESS pages as a pay to view it. Just a thought. I understand no high speed internet access is a problem.
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I know of people who have driven for over 10 hours to get to a show for the experience or knowing how important it is to attend. I also know gas, room & board can add up but if you can tag along with a buddy or stay with other people attending a show, it might not be that bad. We've had 5 or 6 in 2 adjoining rooms and the cost of the hotel for 2 nights came out to $20-24 per person, per night.

I'm in the middle of nowhere, I have no choice but to drive 10-15 hrs to most shows. The only thing that stops me is weather :p Jenera is over 10 hrs from me and I'm planning to go this weekend. MCBA Nationals is around 12. NY is around 10. I get lucky with York since it's only 6.5 hrs from me lol. I don't think the distance should really stop anyone if they enjoy going and want to learn. Yes, it's very costly, but it'll pay off in the end.
Perhaps someone should suggest the cam thing to someone in the chapters, etc. I have thought about video taping a show to watch it in the future, just to watch how my animals did. This would be similar. Even if a show was taped with a digital camera it could be put up without a webcam simply as a file, no wifi needed. Many people also have portable wireless through their cell phone carriers which could also be used if no wifi is available, but the digital camcorder would probably provide a better picture.

Mish, although everyone tries to encourage attendance, someone who would go just to watch wouldn't pay anything, say $5 for a webcast of the show would be more than if they were in the audience and not showing, would the experience be the same, of course not. I personally could watch a show in California, a show I may never be able to attend otherwise, at least until I win the lottery... :D Sometimes I can't afford $80 for a hotel, $100 for gas, plus food, etc. to attend just to watch, not to mention the time of driving and finding someone to care for my chins and other critters, so it's part money and part time, if I could sit at my computer in my own time and watch a show, I would, even paying $10 - $15 is cheaper and less time consuming for me than attending a show just to watch.

I think this is a novel idea that may take if presented properly.
I'd pay to watch also. It's a small feat to attend shows sometimes. Not only because of the money issue, but when you have children that require 24 hour supervision, because of their disabilities, finding someone to watch them can be an issue too. I hope someone runs with this, it would be awesome!
someone who would go just to watch wouldn't pay anything

I was thinking specifically of MCBA's Shindig, which does charge a $20 entrance fee per ranch. I am not sure about ECBC's national level seminar, I would be surprised if they didn't charge? Usually, the shows out here also charge an entrance fee if you are coming just to watch, and that fee is waived if you're showing animals since you're paying registration fees. But that's a minor detail, as selling a tape for $5 (or more) would bring in the same.

Attendance at the shindig is fairly low as it is, despite the wealth of information the speakers give. Someone once before asked about videotaping the shindig and then selling the video, which is when Jags mentioned attendance being crucial at that type of meeting. How much would you learn if the Q&A is left out, because everyone who would be there is instead at home, waiting for the tape?

I am not opposed to the idea, I think taping shows could be valuable and it is worth discussing at chapter/national meetings. I would love to see tapes of California, Heartland, Oklahoma shows, etc. Shows I just can't get to. I just don't know if the seminars would benefit though. At least shows would still gather a crowd, taped or not, because people are there to have their animals judged.
Attendance at the shindig is fairly low as it is, despite the wealth of information the speakers give. Someone once before asked about videotaping the shindig and then selling the video, which is when Jags mentioned attendance being crucial at that type of meeting. How much would you learn if the Q&A is left out, because everyone who would be there is instead at home, waiting for the tape?

Again, this is the age of tehnology. I know Becky has her internet with her everywhere she goes. It would be easy enough to set up an interactive chat where someone could ask a question and someone could ask the speaker. We did it on CnQ with live chats with a breeder in California and the person handling all the questions was in North Carolina. You could easily have people type in questions as the presentation goes along, and frankly, I would think it would be a ton less chaotic if just one person was asking the questions rather than everyone waving their hand around trying to get a turn.

I would have loved to go to more events this past year, but the money just wasn't there. MCBA is extremely rigid in where they will have the Shindig and Nationals. I'm thrilled beyond words that I'll be able to go to Empress Nationals this year because it's only 4 or 5 hours away from me instead of the 14 or 16 it takes me to go to MCBA in Auburn. Too many people are single parents or single incomes. Much as we would love to attend every event, whether it's a show or a learning seminar, it just isn't realistic. Regardless of whether Washington thinks the recession is over, those of us who don't make $250,000 a year realize it isn't. For me to drive to Auburn it's $200.00 in my car, then add in food and hotel, and hopefully nothing happens along the way mechanically. If I had the money, then I would go and not complain about it, but I don't. I've asked many times for a DVD to be made of the Shindig because I knew I could not attend. I was even told one time there was one made, but then nothing ever came of it.
If I could get to a show every weekend, believe me, I would. It's just not realistic. Some people can travel more than others, for whatever reason - be it finances, familial obligations, work, whatever. I think it would be beneficial to have something to offer those people, at a fee, that goes to the chapter. It would certainly bring in a little extra for chapters, which definitely need it.
I have to say that distance is a VERY big thing for me. I can't travel long distances - my knees/legs will not allow it. Even when I go to Tenn. to see my son every other year we make it a 2 day travel each way. Which of course is expensive. I go to 2 shows a year and wish I could go to more - I do love it and the people
Again, this is the age of tehnology. I know Becky has her internet with her everywhere she goes. It would be easy enough to set up an interactive chat where someone could ask a question and someone could ask the speaker. We did it on CnQ with live chats with a breeder in California and the person handling all the questions was in North Carolina. You could easily have people type in questions as the presentation goes along, and frankly, I would think it would be a ton less chaotic if just one person was asking the questions rather than everyone waving their hand around trying to get a turn.

But even with a real-time chat, which the webcam streaming service I used does include, there's still no internet service at the 4-H building in Auburn. That aluminum can of a building doesn't even get cell service, so even those with internet-ready phones can't do anything.

A compromise would be to change the venue to somewhere where teleconferencing is possible, but that is up to the board.
What if you were able to get someone who has a dial up account still? Does dial up still exist? Lol most dial up services had local numbers, so if you got a cheap account fo each organization, it would work, since since shows are on different days. It may be a bit slower, but it'd be something.
I would think it would bring more money into the organization as you would be collecting fees from people who would never be able to make it in person. The people that were going to go would still attend and you'd be collecting fees from those watching on-line or purchasing a DVD of the event. If it was done on a DVD, you'd find that a lot of people that attended would buy the DVD as well.
And it may be easier for the pet people crowd to see what goes on at shows by buying a DVD, before making judgments about it all. It would also be nice to have a video library/archive of the shows. How cool would it be to see footage of shows from 20 years ago?

Ash, dial-up can't handle streaming video, it has to be high speed.
I would even be interested in the purchase of an after the fact DVD. I would love it if I could ask questions, but this way I could at least gain some knowledge from the questions asked by others. Being in FL there isn't too much this way. Unfortunately I work in an industry where there is no weekend off unless it is planned, and even then if something major happens at the hotel I have to be there. Usually I can get one day off work on a weekend, but 2 is sometimes pushing it. The shows are usually far enough away that one day off just doesn't work.

Peggy, I was also told about the shindig video but never heard about it again. :(