RAF Chins
Not sure what the 25lb bags run, but at Tractor Supply Company MannaPro PRO only runs $17/50lbs. And it IS nutritionally fit for chinchillas. Keeps the health of my animals up to par...nursing, growing, breeding.
Not sure what the 25lb bags run, but at Tractor Supply Company MannaPro PRO only runs $17/50lbs. And it IS nutritionally fit for chinchillas. Keeps the health of my animals up to par...nursing, growing, breeding.
49 days? That's an odd number. I've never heard of that, may I ask where you learned it?
Also, we are a forum because we believe in public knowledge and learning. The OP pm-ing you with questions would be of no benefit to others.
I spent several months before purchasing any chins trying to find homo-beige chinchillas for sale. No one had any available. Chinchillas.com, the local breeders, nobody had a homo-beige. I even went to the MCBA show in the neighboring state, trying to find someone who had homo-beige available. Eventually I just broke down a got a few hetero-beiges and decided to breed my own homo-beige chinchillas. Although I remain on the looking for homo-beige chinchillas, I still have yet to see any for sale. It's probably good I started breeding them myself. I now have five homo-beige females, two hetero-beige females, and a hetero-beige male. I hope by this time next year to have bred a homo-beige male that I can use as a stud. My plan is for whichever female gives birth to him to be be paired with Fifel, my white-gray male. It's a breeding scheme I've been working on for almost a full year now, come June. So far I have mostly spent that time learning that hetero-beige cross hetero-beige produces an annoyingly high number of standard gray and hetero-beige. Wah wah waaah. But yeah, if you have a homo-beige male, let me know.
I am seriously in the market for a homo beige male. Not even kidding here; I have cash.Erica, I have homo-beige for sale. Not just homo-beige, but Blue Ribbon Winning Homo-Beige. These are my breedings but came from the Somovia Herd that took National ECBC Mutation First Place Breeders Award for over 20 years straight. You can also check the show records at the 2013 California State Empress Show, where we took 1st place breeders award for Mutations. We took mostly Beige as our mutes to that show and did not show any Beige Females, so most of the blue ribbons that you see there are Beige Males.
There are probably some closer to your location, but you did ask for anyone with a homo beige male for sale to let you know.
I'm not even going to get into dollar store stuff... uggg...
That poor momma's diet is atrocious! No wonder she can't handle feeding her babies. There is so much junk and plain crap in what you are feeding her. Switch to a good feed and get rid of the junk like rawhide, pitas, stuff from the dollar store, and sticks from outside are all no-nos. Oh and the feed you are giving is horrible. It lacks quite a few things that chinchillas need.
Agreed!! The reason why your female can't handle her kits is because the diet you are feeding them. Nutrena, manna pro, purina, tradition are all better than what you are currently using.
There's a reason why most of us ranchers/breeders have chins well into their teens and twenties. We don't feed the crap that pet or byb feed. You want to be serious about breeding then do more basic research on the needs for them.
its a total guess what is used on Dollar store junk. Second-China has issues with pollution-what grows in the polluted ground is made into a wreath goes into your chins mouth and gut. And Rawhide,There are two treatment options for wood and wood products. Heat treatment involves the use of a kiln dryer or dry heat, such as a microwave energy dryer. Chemical treatment involves the use of a surface pesticide, preservative, or methyl bromide fumigation.
your carcass in the wild wont have any of those items in it.rawhide include arsenic and formaldehyde. Even dog skin is a possibility. An ongoing investigation of the fur trade by Humane Society International, an arm of the HSUS, resulted in this information, as listed on their website: “In a particularly grisly twist, the skins of brutally slaughtered dogs in Thailand are mixed with other bits of skin to produce rawhide chew toys for pet dogs. Manufacturers told investigators that these chew toys are regularly exported to and sold in U.S. stores.”
@Joanne- why would you offer this person a chin of yours? I'm dumb founded.