Erica, you have no way to know the items at the dollar store are not treated. Anything I've ever seen in stores, and I've worked in retail for little over a decade now, that has anything to do with wood, has some kind of treatment or varnish or schelak (sp?) on it. You even said you give your chins WICKER to chew on, which from what I've seen is usually varnished, especially at the dollar store.
You say no one is listening to your arguments, however, you are not listening to a MILLION other people's arguments against you. People with LOADS more experience in chinchillas than you. Even I seem to know more about chinchillas than you and I've only been researching since the end of January, mind you it has been tons of research.
Once again, pure and simple, I think you were looking for a "get rich quick scheme" and thought chinchillas might be the way to do it. For some reason, people seem to think breeding animals and selling them for loads of money is easy. That however is not usually the case. If you cared about your animals, you would be spending more on their food and their treats, and not trying to justify why your cheap options are okay.
At this point you're just being stubborn, and are probably going to end up hurting your animals in the end. This just angers me more than you know, cause I take better care of my animals than I do myself because they are THAT important to me. Cause honestly, who feeds an herbivore RAWHIDE?!