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Yeah! Why don't I get some money for college grades? My parents are ripping me off! LOL!! You are lucky!

I am ALWAYS tempted to buy new stuff for my babies, and believe me, I do ALOT. I am trying to back down a bit lately. My babies have all that they need right now and more. I'm sure it won't last long though ;)
I spend more on the chins than on myself for sure. Last night I was talking to my fiancé about how I love coming home and playing with the girls and how it's a bright spot in my day...he said I love them more than him! Jokingly of course :p He said it must be true because I've never bought him a playpen :D. But seriously, I'm always picking up things for them both online and in stores. Just know your limits and don't overspend :)
Yeah! Why don't I get some money for college grades?

Right? Well, actually some grants or scholarships do that, but really only towards your school bills. In some ways there is more incentive to get good grades in college and in some ways in high school. In high school, your grades can help get you into college and depending on what you want to do, the fact that you have a degree will be more important than your grades to some employers. But if you want to go to certain grad schools, then your GPA in college matters more.

I remember getting some money ($20-50) when my car insurance went down from my grades (didn't know they did that which is awesome). And then I requested/petitioned a bunch of classes be transferred over as major requirements that didn't transfer initially and my school granted them all! My dad gave me $100 because he said I saved him a good semester of tuition and school bills!! But really I was just happy I didn't have to take the classes over again.

Of course my first instinct was to tell you that you should save some of that money towards moving out or a car etc, but in all honesty that was the last thing on my mind in high school and I probably wouldn't have listened if someone told me that. Plus, saving money is no fun. Ha! And if that stuff really makes Nietzsche happy, then it seems like a worthwhile purchase to me.
Me too! I feel like I need to compensate massively because I'm not someone who owns an FN with all the awesome accessories and what not that keep their chins so entertained. Nietzsche's cage is 36x25x18, and is some completely random brand, but it's really well built and very french/unique looking, if you will. It has plastic ramps and shelves (which everyone claims is dangerous) but Nietzch doesn't chew at all on plastic so I think it's fine. I just wanna jazz it up a little bit because he deserves it

Just because he is not chewing on the plastic now does not mean he won't. Pull the plastic out and get wooden shelves. There are reasons we suggest the removal of plastic. Please listen to the advice of expierenced members. After watching your video I can tell you Nietzsche chews on plastic. Take a look at the chunk missing from the guitar pic. Chewing plastic can cause impaction. Impaction can kill a chin.
Ramps are not needed in a cage. Chins jump. All ramps do is take up room in their cage.
If your cage is the kind that I think it is, a chin spin is going to break the bars. What size spin did you get?
I highly suggest saving your money and invest in a good cage. It will be better for both of you in the long run.
Personally I wouldn't let him run on your guitar. Strings are rough and if he slides down it the wrong way his feet can get cut.
hahahahaha, I had a hard time deciding on that though. I so badly wish a leopard print was available though.
If you want leopard print pm Alli. She may be able to get it for you.
When i first got my chinchilla pebbles at a petco it was the first time i ever seen a chinchilla. I bought her a two level plastic cage, a wheel, and a toy in there also, along with the horrible treat filled food they said was great for them, and some stale hay. When i came home i starting searching about them and found message boards and learned right away to get her off that food, get good oxbow hay, and a wooden cage.. I basically only used the plastic cage i payed about 150.00 for a week.. While i was waiting for the chinchilla mansion and all the new accessories to come like the pink surfer metal wheel, the week or so that she was in the plastic cage, she was chewing the plastic and i removed the shelves so she was left with one layer on the bottom of bedding only. While he may not be chewing the plastic now, he probably eventually will, a chinchilla mansion isnt that much money and will last a long time
Lol, I know that I'm probably not as experienced as you are, Cindi, but I already provide Nietzsche with plenty of toys to chew and things to occupy himself with. So even if he did like to chew plastic he probably wouldn't with all of the things he has in his cage. When he has the guitar pick in the video, like I've said before, he isn't legitimately chewing on it to bite a chunk out of it. That guitar pick is 15 mm of hard plastic that he wouldn't be able to chew a piece off of even if he tried. I filmed him playing with it because it was cute and I knew he was just exploring and would be on to the next thing within 15 seconds. I think what I may do is spend some of my money on a bunch of wooden shelves and ledges, I definitely agree with you on that. And I appreciate your looking out for the wellbeing of my chin. I don't know about buying a whole new ferret nation, but I'm sure to do some major renovations in the cage, I'm glad you mentioned all of that.
Lol, I know that I'm probably not as experienced as you are, Cindi, but I already provide Nietzsche with plenty of toys to chew and things to occupy himself with. So even if he did like to chew plastic he probably wouldn't with all of the things he has in his cage.

I had a chin who got an impaction by chewing on plastic. I had just put plenty of new chew toys in his cage, made 3 new hanging toys for his cage, and that night he still chewed on the plastic. Thanks to my awesome vet he is still with me today. I almost lost him. The only plastic in his cage was the plastic FN pan that was wrapped in a fleece liner, as I was waiting on a bass pan to come in the mail.

So...don't be so sure.
When owners who are new to chins get to "sure of themselves" things happen, don't be to quick to think you know more about chins than experienced owners, chins will suprise you with what they are capable of.
You're right guys. I'm glad the cage frame isn't made of plastic or anything. Also, I'm aware that the proper/ideal cage spacing is 1/2 inch x 1/2 inch, and the spacing on the walls (the part he obviosly doesn't walk is like 1 inch tall, and the cage bottom is like 1/2 inches vertically, with only one horizontal line dividing it in half. If that makes sense at all. Lol. I place 4 tiles on the cage floor so that he can walk comfortably, that's acceptable right?
Lol, I know that I'm probably not as experienced as you are, Cindi, but I already provide Nietzsche with plenty of toys to chew and things to occupy himself with. So even if he did like to chew plastic he probably wouldn't with all of the things he has in his cage. When he has the guitar pick in the video, like I've said before, he isn't legitimately chewing on it to bite a chunk out of it. That guitar pick is 15 mm of hard plastic that he wouldn't be able to chew a piece off of even if he tried. I filmed him playing with it because it was cute and I knew he was just exploring and would be on to the next thing within 15 seconds. I think what I may do is spend some of my money on a bunch of wooden shelves and ledges, I definitely agree with you on that. And I appreciate your looking out for the wellbeing of my chin. I don't know about buying a whole new ferret nation, but I'm sure to do some major renovations in the cage, I'm glad you mentioned all of that.

Sigh...I had a cage similar to yours. My chin destroyed the shelves and the clips that hold it to the base. She has a TON of toys in it at any given time. Yet, she would rather attack the plastic over her chews and hanging toys. You don't have to get a ferret nation. I suggested you invest in wood shelves and a better cage. My shelves cost me a total of $20. I went to home depot, had them cut my wood, picked up screws and went home.
I know exactly how big a guitar pic is. I've been playing for 20 years. If Nietzsche was not chewing on it what was he doing with it in his mouth? Yes he can chew a chunk off. I've seen it done.
We just want what is best for your pet. You will both be happier in the long run.
I hope you ordered a 15" wheel. 11" is too small for a chin.
Lol well that's awesome, then you know there are various types of guitar picks. I didn't mean to preach at you about the thickness either, had I known you were familiar with the subject I would have never gone into it (I say this because I would probably be ridiculously annoyed given that I was in your position talking to someone like me who is younger and less experienced in both playing guitar AND owning a chin, lol.) What he was doing with it in his mouth was testing out what it was. And the main point I'm trying to make is I would never allow my chin to chew on the pick if I knew he was capable of chewing a chunk off, I keep a constant eye on what he's got in his mouth whenever I'm home, I took the pick away very shortly after the video was taken. I do not mean to be the cause of dissension between us either, I'm very grateful for your advice. I'm going to get wooden shelves and ledges by the end of this week. And yes, I ordered the "15 chin spin
chins do not chew on plastic to test it, they chew on anything to file down their teeth which are constantly growing. You are sadly mistaken if you think your chin cannot chew threw plastic. We have a wonderful forum member who was smart enough to create a fabulous wheel for his chins, and 2 of his boys chewed through the metal pan on the wheel. Chins can shred metal, wood, and most definitely plastic of any thickness
I have no idea if this was mentioned already since I didn't read the entire thread, but it's incredibly cheap to replace plastic shelves in a cage if you make the wood ones yourself. Measure your cage and then head out to Home Depot or Lowes. Pick whatever pine board you are wanting and they will cut it to whatever dimensions you want it to be for free. Then all you need is the hardware to hang the shelves/ledges. All you need then at home is to drill some holes, install the hardware, and then install in the cage. All in all, it costs me about $15 to make all new shelves for a cage.
Alli does do leopard print (or any custom design I'd imagine)...I just ordered a leopard print tube from her.

As far as plastic goes...why take the chance?
Hey guys, I know this thread is from a while ago, but after posting it and hearing your guys' input, I ordered the FN 142. It came about two...or is it three(?) weeks ago. My chin loves it. I thank you all kindly for alerting me of the potential dangers plastic poses.
I just had a party to go to, that i knew about WEEKS ago. It was an all black affair. Guess who didn't have a thing to wear?

Since I've had these hunnies, every dime I have goes to them, lol. Every other day there's a prime shipping item from amazon at my front door, lol.