Hi, my name is Emily and I'm an online shopping addict.

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I'm sure it will, even if it takes a few years!! I never thought after 3 years abby would ever like me but i still loved her, now if someone she doesnt know comes over she lets them rub her tummy and cheeks.
AWH. I'm jealous. I think that's what makes chinchillas so intriguing actually. The way in which they develop a special attachment to their owners starting from scratch. You get to watch their complete distrust dissipate as they gradually show little interest in you from time to time, testing you out. As humans we already thrive on the support reaped from loving relationships, so when an ANIMAL comes along that shares the same value system we need to have it. It's cool, cause the way your chinchillas are now is because of you. That's the way I see it, it's kind of something to be proud of, like an accomplishment.
yes.. what kind of fleece print did you get. I was contemplating between the cupcake print and the bubbles, and i got the bubbles.
I saw the leopard too, under her "happy customers" section, but I didn't see that it was available at the moment I purchased it. And yes! Just click and go to my profile and I have an album with a few pictures of him. I don't own a camera so I just use my blackberry and itouch. Do you have any photos of abby and pebbles? I would love to see them
Awh she's gooorgeous. I love how light her coat is and how much darker it gets around the crown of her head, nose, and eyes. She's beautiful
Oh my god they're such a cute little pair. I love how Pebbles is dark too. They totally compliment one another. And thank you!
He's such a kook. He thinks he's a secret agent ninchilla or something. I don't blame him though. If I was a chinchilla I would totally think I was too. What are your chins personalities like, individually?
well, they've been best friends since they first seen each other. pebbles was about one and abby was just about two months old baby when i got her. they immediatetly starting talking to each other when they seen each other and abby would cry all night while looking at pebbles cage from hers. abby will tolerate being held, but pebbles will squirm. abby is the boss of the cage, she always gets first. she gets first in the dust bath, first to drink water, eat, chew, etc or she will push pebbles,and its been this way since i put her in the cage with pebbles 4 years ago.. she's very selfish and wants everything for her and doesnt want to share.. when i give them a treat abby will finish hers fast and try to take pebbles.. pebbles doesnt get mad she lets her have her way, i think pebbles looks at abby like her own baby since she was so little when they first met, and abby would look up to pebbles. i remember when i first put abby in pebbles cage.. she immediately went around chewing all her toys trying all of them, and she loved pebbles pink wheel.. she would push so hard to run on it and she was so little you could tell she was struggling to push but she wouldnt give up she thought it was so much fun, she would also make happy noises while running on the wheel, how about yours
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Hahaha that's so cute. Well mine... hmm. When I first got mine he was TERRIFIED of me. He thought I was satan or something. But pretty soon he warmed up to me. He's always been pretty selfish, like abby. But there's something so humorous about him. He gives off this holy-roller, too-cool-for-you, BA vibe, but he's so arrogant and mischevious and cunning that it's funny. He doesn't want too much attention, although one day without it and he's doing everything in his power to get it. First treat I ever gave him was a cheerio, and to this day they're his favorite. He only chews on green objects. He's just so weird.
Okay, so I'm in high school, and my first semester just ended. Which as you know, implies that I just finished finals and received my semester grades, etc. My parents, as a treat, pay me a certain amount of money per every letter grade I receive at the end of every semester(A's= $100, B's $50, etc.) So this semester I got all B+'s and one A (sad), but that's a LOT of money. And so long story short......I ended up spending hours on this site searching the chin supply links that everyone posts and spending what was left of my money after buying Nietzsche the "15 chin-spin. I could never buy myself that much stuff but it's so fun to shop for chinchillas.... I'm just making myself feel better by assuring myself that I'm pumping money back into the economy....... right guys? ...guys?

Wow, you must have rich parents or be an only child with well off paprents. Geting good grades is a reward in itself -like an investment in your future.

If you got that much money, I'd save some for your education (post high school) or even something like a down payment on a car or insurance for a car.

Sorry to go off topic. Enjoy it while you can I suppose, unless mom and dad will support you forever or you family has lots of money so you really have nothing better to do than spend it. LOL.

And YES, chin stuff is kinda fun to look at and buy, my wife and I enjoy it quite a bit. We can barely go out without making a pitstop at the pet store to see 'whats new', and then there is the internet 'window shopping' we do. :thumbsup: