got my chins from the Shoots today!

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I have seen sooo many people do that when trying to sell more than just animals. They think they have a golden goose then when the goose sits long enough without a buyer they FINALLY realize they are being ridiculous (or they eventually need quick cash) they change their tune... Something is only worth what someone else is WILLING to pay for it...
I was thinking the same thing. At this point they're all secondhand have to be careful buying anything secondhand, and always do your research about the seller :)
Nutter. There have been bigger ranchers ( ones with names that have shown for years) with many more animals that got that or less for their herds.

People fail to realize chins are like cars, the second they leave the seller, their value drops tremendously in 95% of the cases.
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I have bought many whole herds of between 100 and 500 chins to the herds at anywhere from $15 to $50 per animal. I would never pay the kind of price being asked for nor would I try to sell my whole herd for that kind of price per animal. It amazes me to see people selling their old breeders for even close to what they originally paid for them!
It's good to see she's changed though, huh? <rolls eyes>

Nobody saw this coming........
I don't know her history, but you guys might want to at least leave her the benefit of doubt. I mean maybe she got sick or lost her job. Or maybe she back slide into her old ways...

I just hope those chins have a happy ending. =(
I mean maybe she got sick or lost her job.
No, she actually got an exceptionally good job and moved. I tried with Courtney, and I think she is a nice person but not the type that is well suited to breeding animals. She was very young when I started working with her three years ago and I gave her the benefit of the doubt and literally gave her some exceptionally great animals to start off her herd right.... which she is now trying to sell for a large amount of money.

Quite frankly, I would like my animals back. I am not going to pay $200+ for a now 3+ year old animal that hasn't been proven at show. I can get $200 for babies because they are cute babies. Older animals need to be pretty exceptional to command that price.