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Warblers = awesome. Loved all the songs...although I agree, the guys' mash-up was lacking a bit.

Love Coach Bieste!
Really? You guys thought the the mash up was bad? I thought they were excellent. I loved the dance moves and the fact that they weren't doing a boring rock one again. I loved the tuxes and the singing - all of it. :)
I thought the singing was good...I thought the routine's moves were just cheesy. I know it's from that era ("Stop in the Name of Love"), but just eh.
Mashups aren't my favorite, but to put "Stop in the Name of Love" with "Free Your Mind"? What the heck?!?! Talk about non sequitor... Now "Free Your Mind" with "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" or "These Boots Were Made for Walkin'" I could maybe see working, but the lyrics/point of the songs should match up somehow too, and I'm just not seeing it there.

And on a cute/funny side note: Crash likes acoustic guitar, but I didn't realize how much until I played the Marley cover from last episode and he started 'singing' along. :)
Seeing Darren Criss, Harry Freakin Potter, on real television was pretty amazing. I love that he is not only on Glee, but plays one of my favorite characters (objectively speaking). To be honest I spent most of the Non-Darren scenes attempting to process seeing Harry Potter on real TV, but from what I remember the other plot lines were good too. I'll need to watch it again (okay, for a fourth time) and try and focus on the other characters in the episode.
I didn't care much for either of the mash-ups, either. As 3C's said, the guys' two songs just didn't go together, and as for the girls... Livin' On a Prayer is kind of Penn State's theme song, I have no idea why it has been so dang popular with the students the last ten years but I have heard it done to death by cover bands and choir groups, as well as played at sporting events and homecoming parades in town since I've been here. But that's just me, others hate Beatles' covers but I actually don't mind those. =p

AND as awesome as I think Bieste is, she totally should have punched Will after the kiss. That was a pity kiss and I don't think she'd appreciate being patronized like that.

Other than that - loved it. I liked the airs Puck was putting on about Juvy, and then confiding in Artie about what really happened there. I like the relationship he and Artie are building.

I like that Rachel barely had two lines. I like that Mike Chang had any lines at all.

I like Blaine. A lot.

I like that Kurt flipped out on the neanderthal, but I totally saw the kiss coming, not that I mind.

I don't like that Artie still wants to date Brittney, but if it is just a plot point to get him and Puck bonding then I don't mind it.

Still, Warblers stole the show. Can't wait to see the old folks sing.
When it comes to Artie's character, I think a lot of his decisions are made by 1) hormones and 2) a somewhat inflated need to *try* to fit in v just being himself. He might be the most non-stereotypical character of the bunch, in terms of actually thinking and going through changes of heart onscreen. Rachel and Quinn are always out for #1, Finn is always clueless until the last possible moment, Santana is always looking for the next notch on her bed post... but Artie's a mixed bag.

Ooh, speaking of "Going Through Changes", I wonder when they'll get around to covering Ozzy? \m/
Does anyone watch Glee anymore? I feel all alone in here. :p

I have to admit, I really liked this episode....up until the end. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! and yes....all at the same time. More Warblers, but it just saddens me that he felt that he had to leave. Considering he is one of my favorite characters this had better end well!
Last week's episode was back to its regular mediocrity, this one was better. It was touching in many respects. I'm bummed that Kurt isn't sticking it out with the Glee guys but I understand his fear.
LOVE Glee still. I wasn't wild about last week's episode with Gwnyeth Paltrow though. It was really good this week. I'm pretty sure Kurt will be back too, I tried to pick him out of the preview for next week, but they kept everything kind of hidden.
I watch Glee faithfully EVERY week. They turned me off for a couple episodes this season, but I think they are firmly back on track. I thought last week's singing in the rain mash up was one of Glee's best moments. No, I'm not a fan of Gwynneth, but I could watch Matthew dance allllll day long.

This week's was just wonderful. I was smiling from ear to ear at the wedding performances. Just great. I was expecting the ending though. I knew that was coming from the first Warbler's performance.
I kind of figured, given the example we had with Blaine and his school, that something like this would come up eventually. I loved the moment when Rachel opened her mouth and Santana just gave her the hand, like "Not now, lawn gnome". But that tie thing with her and Finn? What are they doing? Finn stumbled through it, like he usually does, but what is this doing in this episode out of the blue? Was that supposed to have something to do with Finn "manning up" and dumping Rachel, or being a man and rejecting Santana... except for the whole lie about sleeping with her... I'm confused.

Last week's episode didn't do much for me, though I did like the final mash up with the umbrellas. The stuff with Terri I kinda saw coming in some episode or another, but the "sick baby" stuff? That was just sick...
The thing with Santana was in response to the blonde kid and Quinn. Santana was telling Finn that he needed to "get cool" and that he would if he told everyone he slept with her, then he would be on top again instead of a dork in glee club. I also think that Santana is trying to get back at Rachel and Quinn because she wasn't invited to the little confab since she wasn't "dating" anyone on the football team.
I still watch, but I don't enjoy it as much. Even with Darren Criss (who I've absolutely loved since AVPM), the episodes feel very overproduced. It needs to rein in the theatrics and get back to the melange of outcasts that started it all.
What I don't get about the Santana thing is less the "why did she say it" but the "Why does she care". She's got herself set up to keep being Queen Bee if Quinn can't get back on top; Finn's reputation has gone so far down hill, even with QB1 status, that he's a less likely vehicle for popularity than Puck, or trying to distract Sam from Quinn. The motive seems lacking.

That said... Hooooh-lee Cow, last night! What. Happened. To. Our GLEEks?!?! I got a laugh out of Puck in the Porta-john, and the "Magic Comb" situation was cute, but the rest of it seems way out of character for the kids from the first season. At least you can tell that Emma has some second thoughts about how she spent her weekend. I'm also waiting for the other shoe to drop with that darn canary. What will he become a symbol of, I wonder? (not really)
I thought last night's episode positively sucked. For the first time ever, I could not wait for the show to be over. The songs were bad. The episode was just awful.

A few things - why does everyone hate Rachel for being narcissistic (when she really isn't) but everyone thinks Santana is cool for being the exact same way? She's nasty, she's self-centered, she's a ****. Why is it she's "cool" and Rachel is reviled by so many people, including people in this thread? Rachel wears dumb clothes, got that. Santana wears nothing but cheerleading outfits, which to some of us is more stupid than what Rachel wears.

Second, is it just me, or did Emma and dental boy work awfully fast? It's almost like she married him because she felt bad that she fought with him over Will. Everybody knows that her and the dentist are supposed to be a temporary distraction and then she and Will end up together. So what was the point to this ridiculous quickie marriage? Emma has changed SO much from her original character that it's almost painful to watch her anymore.

Third, Quinn has a good voice?? Since when? Her voice irritates the crap out of me. She sounds like a waspish pinch nosed debutante. She in no way has a passable voice, let alone a "good" voice, and last night's song selection just demonstrated that both Barbie and Ken need to go back to being back up singers where they belong.

I was just completely and totally disappointed. There was not one redeeming thing about this episode, and I wasn't impressed with the Warbler's either.