My fav. music number was a few shows back when Finn sang Jesse's girl.
I don't really think the situation is fair to either of them. I mean Kurt is a very effeminate gay boy living in small town Ohio, with an unrequited, obsessive crush on his friend. There's no one in the town really like him, so he idealizes the guy who stood up for him and helped him out. And Finn is trying to do right by everyone. After losing Puck and the status he's know throughout public school, it seems like Kurt is one of his closest friends, and that is an awkward situation for him do be in. Gay or straight, having a best friend have a crush on you is not easy.
Don't worry roomie. Mr. Ikea catalogue and I will have this all figured out. I am going to put together a palette that expresses who you are, who I want you to be (quickly changed to) who you want to be.
Sue and Will gave me the oogies. Seriously, oogied me right out. I was holding a pillow in front of my face wishing for it to go away!
I don't get the big deal with Vocal Adrenaline. They don't do anything fancy or in your face. They sing and have pretty much the same dance moves as New Directions. So not sure what the big competition is there.
I agree that last night was very underwhelming. Finn as a rapper? <snort> He's so white bread it isn't even funny. Puck wasn't bad at it, but Finn was flailing around like Vanilla Ice. Not attractive dude.
Puck wasn't bad at it, but Finn was flailing around like Vanilla Ice. Not attractive dude.