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so true. not to mention that as long as you are not master/mistress of your own life (house, money etc) you must respect his/her rules. my daughter is going on 21 and is starting to get it - doesn't like it but is starting to understand that when i say if A then B i am not saying "then B" but i AM saying that if B is going to take place than so will A. my house, my money + my rules. what saves the situation (though the kids don't always see that) is that i would put my life down for any one of them in a heartbeat!

What job can you have at 15 that gives you that kind of money?

I would never go against either parent's wish. If a parent doesn't want an animal in the house, you may some day come home to missing/injured/dead pets. It's just not worth the risk.
My statement was supposed to be a wee bit sarcastic. I guess I have to be more clear. Yes, it's very controlling. When I was in high school, I had a job that I worked about 20 hours/week at, was in 3 school bands and was on music council. Not to mention that I took private trumpet lessons. I paid for everything (clothes, lunch, transportation, trumpet lessons, anything extra I wanted). It didn't seem right to ask my parents for $. There were even a few times where my parents borrowed money from me because something came up (unexpected vet bill, surprise increase in some bill). I would never look down upon them for borrowing money though. It wasn't common for them to do that, plus they appreciated it a lot. But they were always debt free.

Even then, my parents tried to tell me that I was 'obsessed' with things and that I should quit music. I was a busy person, but I was happy and successful! I got amazing grades and I loved what I was doing! They soon realized that no matter how miserable they made me, I was still a free spirit, had a head on my shoulders, and that I wasn't going to back down!!! :innocent:

I like your story :] I never ask my parents for money, I make plenty right now, enough to pay for my car and phone anyways. But I'm glad you didn't let them get you down.
So, as most of you know I'm waiting to adopt a chinchilla. I have to wait because my dad for some reason sees "No problem with me owning a pet" he just doesn't think its the right time? The right time to him is being a full time student with a part time job, which is what I've been doing, and he said at the end of the quarter if I had good grades I could get a pet of my own. So, I know I'm getting good grades, and being my first year of college I've been trying very hard to do well, so I prepared myself for owning a chinchilla.

Now, he wants me to wait until another quarter passes and I'm taking even more classes(and got the grades he wanted to see from this quarter), even though I'm full time already. I understand him wanting me to focus a lot on school, but I don't think a pet is going to hinder my ability to perform.

Anyways, the thing that makes me mad is the fact that I can't enjoy my new found joy in life. I've been suffering from depression for three years ever since I moved out of my moms and in with him, and I finally found something that makes me happy. He thinks I'm "obsessed" with chinchillas because I want to go to a show next weekend and I want to own one. I've done a lot of research on them because I want to be prepared for one. He shook his head and said "Figures." when I said I wanted to go to the show!

I just feel its rude that I find ONE thing the whole time I've lived with him and his family that I like and I'm called "obsessive". I never get what I want without having to perform to get it.

:/ sorry for the lengthy post I'm just angry.

I just wanted to add my 2 cents, I feel that you maybe just needed to vent at that moment, and I truly hope you feel better. I know you're frustrated, but on the day that you get your little soulmate, it will be just that more sweet.

It seems that maybe your dad has not seen the truly passionate & artistic side of you, or maybe he's just trying to get another quarter of good grades out of you, who knows. I know you've heard the "his house, his rules" and that you are respecting that but just frustrated because he keeps telling you that you can have your pet and then takes it back. In the words of my nephew that would make him a "dream squasher", hope you get a laugh out of that, cuz I can just hear my nephew saying it, lol.

I know that you've talked to your dad about a chin show, why don't you show him the thread that you started here about the statues and gifts that you are creating. You have soooo much positive feedback in that thread, if he could read what total strangers :neener: are saying about your ideas and creativities and commitment to your projects, while still getting good grades and working at your job, maybe that would push him, even if its just a little to being closer to your side. I don't know, its just a thought.

Good luck and hang in there :hug4:
I showed him my statues, he's just the most unenthusiastic human being on the face of the planet :p he's really busy, I figured I'd leave him alone for the week and hope that he sees my grades and gives in. I just don't like things being dangled over my head. And I'm glad you appreciate my artistic side :D I can't wait until you get your statue!

Apparently my stepmom is saying she's trying to talk him into it, I don't believe her though as she's the man of the house and has gotten herself and their two children their own pets when he didn't want them and he didn't say a thing.

He's just a weird dad.