Hello everyone! We live in Florida and a few days ago my husband found a salt and pepper african pygmy hedgehog in our backyard. He rescued it from the many potential dangers in the yard (feral cats and feral chickens for the most part) and has brought it inside. He is temporarily living in the bathtub on the most non-loopy towels we can find. We have 5 month old kittens in the house and weren't exactly expecting this hedghog to join us so the safest place is the guest bathroom where we can close the door. We have had hedgehogs in the past when we lived in Ohio but the last one was over six years ago and we are trying to remember what to do. This little guy is pretty small - maybe 5 inches long... I have no idea how old he is but he has definitely been handled often - he is not very huffy and unballs and starts exploring in less than a minute. We have a solid surface wheel left over from our degus and have gotten hedgie chow, mealies and crickets. We have a vellux blanket ordered - they aren't as easy to find down here! Anyway - he is losing quills. I counted approximately 25 over about 12 hours. That seems like a lot - but he doesn't have any bare patches, he isn't scratching... I remember they go through something called quilling but don't remember what would be considered "normal". Does this require a vet visit no matter what or is this explainable? Thanks! We are just glad he ended up in our yard where we knew what he was and the basics on hedgehog care. Amy and Tom