Foot Injury

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HI everyone. I had nothing to do with this. I am the original person who bred these chins who are now over two years old. I had no issues with them at all when I had them. They were big and beautiful well cared for chins. They were in a female trio when I had them. I never bred them. I had them quite a while. (about a year) Last year, I sold them to Kathiva who put the two of them in with a male.
A few weeks ago, when I saw that she had them up for sale I had asked for them back and she said that they were already sold pending payment. (about a week ago I guess) I was not told of any injury at that time. She told me of the injury last night, and I saw this post this morning. I had no idea it was that bad, as I was told it was that she "hurt her toe a little bit".
I was totally unaware of all of this going on until yesterday when she told me the new person had picked them up.I am personally shocked that Jade is only 477 grams!!!! She was always a huge beautiful chin!!!! (a bit cranky yes, but I call it persnickity)

Kathiva and I are two separate people, please do not group us together as one.
Just a FYI this has nothing to do with the other post of how well my other chins Sonata and Smoky are doing. They are thriving under my care.
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Getting a new chin is supposed to be a joyous time......Hope Jade feels better soon and I hope the breeder steps up to the plate and makes it right.
I would follow the advice posted by the experienced members earlier in this thread. Claire's post is extremely detailed and can help your girl on the road to recovery. Another good idea, since she is self mutilating there is more than likely some underlying reason for it. I would get an X-ray of at least her legs to see if anything is going on like an improperly healed fracture. Her being pregnant at this point is not your main concern. She needs to heal and gain weight back and IMO...I wouldn't breed her.

As a responsible breeder, selling a chinchilla with an injury that is not easily taken care of is a very poor decision. I can see selling a chinchilla that has a small wound that is rapidly healing and free of infection with full disclosure to the new owner on the wound and treatment needed. A foot wound (especially the bottom of the foot) is NOT an easily healed or handled wound. This chin should not have been sold with something like that going on...even if it LOOKED like it was healing. Looking like it's healing and healing are two completely different things when it comes to wounds. If you don't have a lot of experience dealing with them and judging the extremity of them, get them better yourself BEFORE letting them leave the premises.
I am sure Kathiva will do the right thing here.
What? The "right thing" here would have been to have kept this poor chin until her "small toe wound" (BTW its NOT small & it's not her toe!) was completely healed & she had weaned any kits if she was pregnant - this is not the kind of behaviour anyone would expect from a responsible breeder. It's inexcusable.
There is not a single responsible breeder I know of who would sell chins like this.

This poor chin has been sold in a dreadful condition & I feel sorry for both her & her new owner - neither of them should be having to go through all of this.
I would never, ever adopt out a hurt or sick chinchilla. I had Buddy who had surgery on his hand, and I kept him until even the fur had grown back on his hand just to verify he was in fact completely healed. I have a chin here right now with a slight eye infection now. Am I adopting her out right now? Absolutely not.

I am so, so sorry that the breeder you got this chin from (even though she didn't actually breed her) neglected to do her job before adopting her out. More than that, I don't know what was going through her mind when she thought this was a good idea. The breeder should absolutely be responsible for this chinchilla's vet bill as well.

All that said, I hope she stops chewing for you. :( I agree with Claire and Riven about the bandage. You may have to keep her in the collar to keep her from trying to chew the bandage off as well. Buddy chewed on his hand after surgery when it was healing. As soon as I was able to keep his mouth away from it, it healed with no problems. I didn't use a bandage, but I did use a cone. This is the cone I found that worked the best. It's made for puppies and kittens so it's not super huge and can be made as tight as you need it to be.
What? The "right thing" here would have been to have kept this poor chin until her "small toe wound" (BTW its NOT small & it's not her toe!) was completely healed & she had weaned any kits if she was pregnant - this is not the kind of behaviour anyone would expect from a responsible breeder. It's inexcusable.
There is not a single responsible breeder I know of who would sell chins like this.

This poor chin has been sold in a dreadful condition & I feel sorry for both her & her new owner - neither of them should be having to go through all of this.

I totally agree!!! She should NEVER have been sold in that condition! I was told only last night that she had sold Jade with a "hurt toe."..I had no idea that it looked like these pictures. But that cannot be changed, she was sold, so by the "right thing" I meant NOW....hopefully she realizes her mistake and will rectify it....that is all I meant....I just mean that she should see what the new owner wants, vet bills paid....chin returned...a different chin purchased....whatever she wishes.

By the right thing I meant NOW. She did the WRONG thing in selling a chin with a medical problem, I AGREE!!!! This chin needed medical attention and I am just thankful that the new owner brought her to the vet. The new owner is doing everything she can now to help this little girl. I am so thankful for that!

I am a little angry right now, because Jade was only 550 grams and is now 477 grams, when she was here she was approx 700 grams!!! I am the original owner and I am the person who bred her amd I had her and two other females together for a YEAR.....with no issues.....and then sold her to Kathiva and it BREAKS MY HEART that Jade is in so much pain!
I feel responsible for my "babies" and often buy them back when I can if I see them up for adoption....(ie Sonata and Smoky situation). I really look after my chins, give them the best of care, and I do not want to be grouped together with Kathiva as one person. WE are very very different people.
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No offence to you KiKi, but why is it you and not Kathiva that is responding to this thread.

I beleive this belongs to her.
No offence to you KiKi, but why is it you and not Kathiva that is responding to this thread.

I beleive this belongs to her.

EXACTLY thanks for pointing that out.
I just wanted to make sure everyone knew it was not ME that did this.
We tend to get grouped together as one person and we are NOT.
Kiki, you have stated that Jade was a healthy animal when you handed her to Kathiva. Therefore from here on, it does not belong to you.

If you are seen to be in the same groupe, it's probably because there are things that may bring people to believe it is the case. If this is not the case, a little clean up would do good to clarify the individuality of both. :)
Yes, when I sold Jade last year she was a healthy animal. She had been housed with two other females and had no possibility of pregnancy and was a good healthy weight. Kathiva has been the owner for almost a year now, and Jade has been in a trio with Pearl and a male.
I have nothing to do with this thread.....but I worry about Jade because she was born here! There is always a little piece of my heart that belongs to each of my babies....

Thanks Saphire for caring enough to clarify.....:)

Kathiva has told me that she has learned from this experience and will never sell an injured chin again. this point...the breeder has apologized profusely and has made full restitution of vet bills...which was requested. I hope this be a lesson learned for both of us...and others too.

All I want to do is concentrate on getting my baby better now. I got some wonderful advice on here and I thank everyone for their concern. It really means a lot.

I will keep everyone updated. Oh...and will try to post a pic of her in her new cone I am about to make her. Purple sheep. WOO HOO! She will be stylin'.

My next big concern though is her eating and drinking. At this point, she has not eaten since yesterday. She has taken a few sips of water but her poops are getting much smaller (probably 1/3 the normal size). How do you make the decision to hand feed? How often? How much hay to pellets? How much probiotics? Etc....
Kathiva has told me that she has learned from this experience and will never sell an injured chin again.

IMO, she needs to do more than that.

#1) Face the facts on here...
#2) Rectify the situation w/ the new owner.
#3) Not depend on YOU to communicate her feelings.

Just my opinion...

Edited to add: Sorry, Proudmom, we posted at the same time. I'm glad you've worked it out with the breeder. Best wishes to you and Jade!
If they stop hand feed. It's as simple as that. Chinchillas have a high metabolism and need a lot of food to keep going. If she is not eating you need to get food into her somehow. A good thing to use is just lifeline. Until you get the lifeline you can mash pellets and probiotics though they don't tend to like the taste of their pellets mashed. CC is also a good option but has some larger bits that gets stuck in syringes and such which is why I prefer lifeline (it also smells fresher, IMO).

That's good that she payed for the vet bills and apologized but that does not dismiss the fact that she sold a chinchilla with an injury without full disclosure. It's irresponsible and people are rightly upset that a breeder would be so thoughtless to sell a chin with a difficult injury.

I'm glad Jade is with you and can now make progress in her recovery. As I said before, follow the advice given throughout this thread and your girl should get on the road to recovery.
I start handfeeding as soon as I see there is a issue, then I will diagnose the problem after the fact. Chins can go into stasis very quick, as quick as 12 hours with no feed, so after myself treating and beating stasis twice I do not mess around anymore when they go off feed.
Well I guess I better start hand feeding. How much and how often? I don't have any lifeline in hand as of right now so will need to do the crushed pellet feeding.
Proudmom, I am sincerely happy that things are working out for you and my thoughts are with you and little Jade. I know she is now in good hands.
For the feeding. .
I personnally do it every four hours at approx. 10ml min. Although it depends on your chin. Some will take more and some less. Try to give as much as she will take and a little more if you can. I believe Tagna has LL that she can get to you and your vet may carry Critical Care.

Good luck and looking forward to seeing her progress

Kathiva has told me that she has learned from this experience and will never sell an injured chin again.

Wrong signature... anyway.

Sorry Proudmom, I also posted at the same time as you.
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