Does your chin use a hammock?

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What does your Chinchilla prefer to sleep in?

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2 of my girls will ONLY sleep in hammocks, but hang out on large wooden perches made of apple wood. The 3rd girl hates the hammock and prefers to hang out on a corner shelf, and sleeps in her dust bowl! My male never slept in his hammock, but quite enjoyed chewing on it, so I took it out. He loves his wooden house. My male kit prefers a terra cotta pot lying on it's side. Of course, lately they have ALL been living on their chilling blocks round the clock, as we've had triple digit heat this month here in AZ. I like to provide a variety of choices for them, and have plenty of space to do so in two 5 ft. multi-level mansions.
Hammock, hanging hide house, standing hide/house, wooden/stone/half pipe ledge, or hammock, doesn't matter: if it's in the cage, they sleep on it. One of mine waits until after dinner and tucks up on one side of the top shelf of the cage, sticks his feet and boy parts through the cage bars next to the air conditioner, and has a nice half hour snooze, just 'chillin'. :)
Sometimes they all sleep in the hammock, sometimes just one at a time while others are on ledges or in tubes. They never sleep inside there fleece hanging house but will hang out on top of it. Here's a pic of all 3 in the hammock at once.


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My chinchillas could care less about the hammock and only inspect it after they see my fiance because they know he puts treats in it. :laughitup: Mostly they just cuddle together in their wooden house. I would like to try one of those fleece tubes though. Where can I get one of those?
Mine sleeps in his pumpking cube from Fuzzbutts Cage Comforts, he looks so cute in it and always lets me give him a little bit of attention when he's snuggled up in it!!
My chin likes to sleep on a ledge or on top of his wooden house (its like... his favourite place, probably cos its as high as he can get). I have made him a hammock and he's recently figured out how to get all of himself into it, but I've only caught him snoozing in it a few times. He doesn't use it much, but he does like to use it on occasion.
My pet chins used to have them and loved them. I no longer use them due to chewing, even on the fleece "chin-safe" kind. My rat has one though and he loves it, piles his shavings in it and burrows right in.
Both my chins don't use their hammocks. Chimi the older one prefers to just sleep in the corner of the top level of her FN closest to me. Lilly will either sleep in her tube or on the top of her hanging house, so it's like a very high up hammock.
My chin goes through phases with her sleeping spots. For a while, she could always be found sleeping the the hammock. Now she's taking to sleeping in a tube that I've never seen her even inspect before (she's had the cage 4 years or so). She also has a favorite sleeping ledge. Any one else have there chin go though favorite spot phases?
My girl refuses to use her hammock (I've even tried a few different ones hoping it would be more to her taste, didn't work). She sleeps in her little log hut on a layer of fleece.
No, but I really wish he would. I have a blanket of the same material draped over his cage that he will pull in and snuggle in a corner. Otherwise he sleeps on top of his wooden house.
Mine all love hammocks. My bonded pair have always loved cuddling up next to each other on the ledge behind their hammock with their back ends on the ledge and their fronts hanging down on the hammock, its adorable.

Or, they sleep like this :) (old pic of them, but I thought it was cute)


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