Does your chin use a hammock?

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What does your Chinchilla prefer to sleep in?

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Some of my chins like their hammocks and some don't. The ones that don't like the hammocks prefer to use their fleece houses. I think it has to do with covered vs. uncovered, since they are both suspended. However all my chins spend the majority of their time sleeping in their tubes.
all of the above

My girls love all their house/tubes/hammocks. I personally made my own tube covers out of some spare fleece that I had after making their hammock. It was really easy and if you are pretty good at a blanket stitch easy to make by hand...the same with the hammock. May not be as pretty as with a machine, but still functional.

One note on the hammock that I use, although not sure you would consider it a hammock, I sewed a kind of pocket onto the bottom of it where I can slip in some card board to give it a little bit of stability and they seem to enjoy it a lot more than the previous one which did not have the pocket. I also attached some buttons to it so that we can switch out the card board when the current bit is completly used up. We use scrap card board from boxes that we get since they can not get to it and keep a close eye on them in case they do start trying to get to trouble yet though.

As for tubes we took those giant cans of peaches that you get from walmart and cut out both sides then files the sharp edges.

When I say hammock I think of a fleece house I think....anyway mine is a as I said not sure if hammock.
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Some chins use the hammocks, others don't. Some don't want me to know they use their hammocks, I guess, cause I never see them in them. But the poos tell another story. ALL of the chins who have ever had fleece tubes have loved them. They have been a hit with all the chins. The hammocks... some chins love them, some can take it or leave it. Some chins seem to need time to get used to the idea that they move, and then they like them... but others.. we had one chin that literally lived in his hammock. He'd get out to eat, drink, and run around a bit, and then right back to the hammock. Depends on the chin I think.
Two out of three of my girls use their hammocks; one daily, the other occasionally. Two use wooden hideaways, the other prefers her fleece house. None of them sleep in tubes. I often see on here that "all chins love fleece tubes", so I think mine are the exception to that rule.
Mine only uses her hammock because we hung a toy over it. She loves her tube though!

(and the hammock is pretty much the only place she won't sleep. The current favorite is pressed up against the corner of her cage!)
Can anyone recommend a good place to buy fleece tubes? my colors are purple or the other option is turquoise & I would like to have options because I really want them to match
Can anyone recommend a good place to buy fleece tubes? my colors are purple or the other option is turquoise & I would like to have options because I really want them to match

I buy all my fleece from Camphor Chins. Alli713 is her member name here. AnnieO has some nice stuff as well.
3 girls, no hammock dwellers. :/ However, they do all enjoy their tubes. Shelly could live in her tube if it had food and water. Artemis and Button both go from their tubes to the hidey house. It all depends on the chin.

As for fleece. I get my goods from AnnieO. Brittany makes very nice items too.
There's so many vendors who make them. I buy mine from Alli at and Annieo, you can PM her and tell her what kind of fabric you would like, she'll look around and get back to you with what she finds!
I recently added a ton of ledges, a brand new hammock (homemade) and Fleece tube (also homemade) I am very proud of myself. My chin mostly enjoys sleeping on her ledges or in her fleece tube. I rarely see her in her hide-hut I bought.
Occasionally I see her relaxing in the hammock!
When mine lived in his 3 story Martins cage, he didn't really 'sleep' in his hammock ever, just in his chinchilla hut. After I got a ferret nation, I wake up to see him sleeping in his hammock every morning. :*)
It took Luna a couple of weeks to warm up to her hammock, but now she goes in it all the time. Sometimes she sleeps in it, sometimes she just uses it as another launching point! From where I'm sitting right now, I can tell she's lounging because I can just see her cute little nose poking over the edge of it :)
sadly my Rosey chews fleece and shreds it, so she cant have fleecey furniture any more :(
She does like to sleep in her wooden tube though
mine likes to sleep on the TOP of the roof of her hanging fleece house (cylinder house, made by zoey & lilo's toy box) they rarely sleep inside, but love to both sleep on the same roof, i often fear they will fall off, cuz its kinda crowded, i plan to ask the seller if she would consider making a larger house
My chins used to have a hammock.. but they broke it. They end up just chewing everything I buy them until it breaks! lol Oh well. I'll just have to buy them a new one some time.
My chin had a hammock in her cage when she was given to me and she loved it, but it was a ferret hammock that was made with nylon so I took it away. She sits on the top ledge of her cage with her paws up staring at the spot where it used to be and I feel so bad! But I will probably make her a fleece hammock and keep it in there as long as she doesn't chew on it. She loves chewing on fabric (like my shirt when I'm holding her) so I don't know if the fleece will work out or not. If not she will just gave to be hammock-less. She does have a wooden hidey house and a tunnel to sleep in though.
My chin has a hammock, but he doesn't seem to use it much. I've seen poop in there, but I've never seen HIM in there. He's a poop machine!
My boys use their hammocks as trampolines and to get to prime begging spots. They prefer to sleep on the wood ledges and inside their hidey houses.