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New member
Jan 7, 2011
Hey guys!

I just got my first hedgehog a little over a month ago. He was 6 weeks old when I got him and is now about 10 weeks old. I named him Hank.

Anyways in doing my research before I got him most sites said you should not have to clean their cages more than once a week. However, Hank has to has his cleaned 3 times a week at minimum. He is a stinky little guy.

I had started him on dry cat food and had my friend who owns a pet store pick it out to make sure it had the appropriate ingredients and what not. I figured maybe it was the food that was making the odor so bad so I switched him to Pretty Pets Premium Hedgehog Food. He has been on that for about two weeks now and still he stinks.

What I am wondering is what I could switch him to that will cut the odor. I love him to death but he has to stay in my bedroom and he is killing me. Any advice is welcome and if you could suggest specific brands that work for you that would be amazing. I want my little guy to be healthy and happy and I want my room to smell better.

Thanks in advance,
Hedgehog food is not usually suitable though I haven't heard of that brand. However he is a baby and you should refrain from switching his food often while he is still adjusting. If you'd like to try a new food (though every time you try a new food, it will bug his tummy and cause more stink) do so very gradually. A limited ingredient cat food (still high quality) such as Natural Balance Limited Ingredient might help. Honestly, they are smelly by their nature of being hedgehogs and babies even more so.

Does he have a wheel? If he doesn't have a wheel, you may need to clean his cage daily to keep the odor down. If he has a wheel, the mess may end up contained (although some may not limit their stink to their wheel) and be easier to clean frequently. With some of my hedgies if I do a quick touch up on their wheel right before I go to bed (and after they have first gone on their wheel), I find I can reduce smell (and poopy feet). Wheel cleaning is then sometimes clener the next morning. Then again, I think some of them think it is a challenge to try to get it dirty all over again in the same night!
Anyways in doing my research before I got him most sites said you should not have to clean their cages more than once a week. However, Hank has to has his cleaned 3 times a week at minimum. He is a stinky little guy.

This definitely depends on the hedgehog. I have one now that I have to clean his cage liners daily. He is quite a slob.

As encouragement for you, often baby hedgehogs will go to the bathroom more and they can smell more than adults. You may find that in time your cage cleaning may be reduced. But then again, the one I have is almost 4 and is just a bit of a slob.

I'm surprised your little one switched to Pretty Pets. Its ingredients are not that great and most hedgehogs I have known will not eat it if they have any other choice. I had one that actually carried each piece out of his food bowl and put it in his "toilet."

What cat food did you have him on before? Certain foods have been known to cause their feces to smell more.
Pretty Pets on it's own is not nutritionally adequate for a hedgehog. There have been a couple of cases of malnutrition in hedgehogs being fed Pretty Pets. A good quality cat food is superior and may help cut down the smell.

As Julie has mentioned, babies tend to stink more than adults and they poop far more often than adults. The amount and smell should lessen as he ages.

Wheels should be cleaned daily or they will stink up the room. The cage itself depends on the individual hedgehog. I too have one that needs it cleaned daily, others that can go a week. I used liners in all my cages. :)
You've received really good advice. All I can add is that we will be needing pictures of your hedgie. :thumbsup:
Hi guys, I have two hogs and just wondering if I could get a list of what alot of you feed your hogs? Right now mine are on pet-pro spikes delite, and fruits and veggies, thanks a bunch!!