There is nothing wrong with a wheel in a chin cage. Provided they are chin safe wheels, they are a definite addition to the enrichment of your chins life. Will they die without one? No. But they will love you forever if you provide one. 
No to death balls.
I've gotten some in with rescues and am trying to figure out what to do with them. maybe i can do a craft project... Hanging lanterns maybe? lol
Make Deadmau5 heads and go to a show. Or sell them. There's a fellow out there selling for ~$400 a head.
MissJess, drill a hole through the top, attach a chain and a pear hook, and make them into swings.
................ developed severe spinal issues and continually runs around his cage in continuous circles on his hind legs because they advocated a death ball constantly. He's developed a small case of hunchback from it.