KristinC - I know you have come on forum like gangbusters, dispensing wisdom right and left, but really - this whole post was ridiculous. You have managed to insult pretty much the entire forum by calling anybody who didn't do things YOUR way a bad owner.
Lemme share something with you - I didn't do one iota of research before I got my chins. I saw one in a pet store when I was young and I wanted one. When my exhusband started shoeing for Butler's, he mentioned they had chinchillas. I was so excited - I went with him and came home with a pair. I went the next time and came home with another pair. It progressed from there. I started out with breeding pairs, right off the bat. I used Super Pet Cages (with GASP plastic shelves). I was lucky - Joe was a good mentor and he let me know about not feeding tons of crap, about using good food, buying hay, etc. Other than that - I was on my own. I found CnQ about a year after I got my first chins. That's when my research really started.
It's not a great idea to come on here screaming, ranting, raving, and having hysterics because everybody didn't do 20 years of research before they got a chin. That isn't going to fly. You need to tone down your verbiage a bit BECAUSE THERE'S NO EXCUSE for alienating an entire forum with your attitude.
People make mistakes, everybody, including you, but people learn from their mistakes and learn how to better care for their chins. That's why we are here. Before CnQ, and now before CnH, pretty much everything I read at other sites was crap. One of the biggest sites on the internet that people swear by like it's the Bible gives heaping wheelbarrow loads full of crap as the gospel truth.
We're glad to have you here, just as we're glad to have any other person who loves their chins and wants to learn. I'll guarantee you don't know everything there is to know. I've been around the world and back again with my chins, way more than the average chin owner, and I still have things to learn. Dawn (ticklechin) has lots of experience with chins, but she still has room to learn. We all learn new things, new techniques, and as chins become more and more popular, we all learn more and more about their bodies, their general health, possible illnesses, etc.
Remember, a bad owner is someone who refuses to learn and put into practice what they have learned. Someone buying a ball and using it, then learning that it's bad isn't a bad owner. Someone buying a ball, using it, learning it's a horrible death ball, then
continuing to use it would be a less than stellar owner.
So! Let's all play nice in the sandbox now.