Crazy Story

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New member
Apr 30, 2010
A little background, so it may be a little long.So we bought a male chin about a month ago and it came with a cage that had plastic shelves (it is actually this one So I took the plastic shelves out and put poplar wood shelves in. My wife wasn't really involved in the chin at first. So on Tuesday I see an ad on Craigslist where they are getting rid of 3 males and a female. So my wife says she does not want babies so get another male. So I get one and bring it home. I put them beside each other and they seem to get along. I put them in the same cage (I know you aren't supposed to but they both wanted to see each other). So the followed each other around and barked at each other a little, but no major squabbles. So I put the new chin in a large dog kennel (it is temporary until they got to know each other and it is like this

The next day (Wednesday) the same thing, except I left the new chin in the cage and put the old one in the kennel. So Thursday evening I go upstairs and do the same thing. Take the old chin out and put him in the cage. The old chin speeds down the shelves to the house and the new chin is nuzzling and grooming the old one. So I'm thinking cool they are getting along real good now. Then I see a little head stick out, the new chin was a female that was pregnant and had a single kit. So I yell at my wife and kids and they come running. From what I have read on the board I knew to take the male out. So we hold the kit and my wife loves them. Now she is talking about keeping all 3, but we will have to keep different ones seperate (male from female and kit, and then males from females eventually). So now I have to talk her into getting a new cage. I am looking at this one ( and this one ( They look pretty much the same.
Somone just asked about these cages in another thread yesterday I think it was. Most pet folk on here do the Ferret Nation, but if you talk to Menagerie, I get the impression that she likes the critter nation more, especially if it's going to be housing a little one.

Here's what I got out of my conversations with her - the CN is sturdier, made of heavier steel, it has smaller bar spacing which is better for hanging bottles and if you need to put a little one in there, it snaps together and doesn't require tools, and you can deck it out exactly the same as the FN142, including splitting it into two cages. Down side -- it does cost more.

Most pet folk on here will vociferously defend the honor of the FN142, but in the end, both are great cages. It just depends on what you're looking for. Either can have the specially made pans ordered from Bass, and that would be a biggie for me, as the pans in both are too shallow to hold in shavings well.

Other than that? Eenie, meenie, minie, moe..........:)
I also like the Critter Nation better (keeps the mess in better as well!) I just can't afford one. :p So.....Ferret Nation it is.
congratulations on the kit, a good thing that the male didn't attack the baby because it wasn't his.

Why would he? I've never had a male attack a newborn kit, whether it was his or whether I had fostered it to his mate.

When should the kit be allowed to take a dust bath?

Whenever you give mom one. He may not roll right away, but he'll get the hang of it by watching her.
That should be fun to watch. He already has tried to get on the disk and run on it. Wondering if I should take that out of the cage.
Yes. Babies can injure themselves or be injured by momma when she jumps off. I believe the standard is no wheels until 6 mo.

I put a wheel in with Ivan and Rodya when Ivan was 3 months, and at first neither of them had any interest in it, but then Ivan LOVED it. He went bounding on it like it was going to take him to outer space, lol! I hope I didn't jeopardize him by putting a wheel in there that early, although the point is moot when it comes to Ivan...
Also on the wheel subject, Rodya never had a wheel, as a breeder's chin, so he has just now gotten the hang of it--it took him 2 whole months to learn how to run on it! Luckily he watched his son for a few weeks, haha.

Lastly, WE NEED PICTURES OF THIS BABY!!!!!! And the mom and dad, as well ^^
I would remove the flying saucer. A kit needs all their calories to develop their bodies. They don't need to be running their butts off and burning them on a wheel. There is also the safety factor involved. Some people use wheels with kits, but some people also use 5 foot high cages - neither of which you will find here when it comes to the breeding chins.
aw congrats on the new kit, im sure everyone has given you the advice you need. One thing i haven't seen yet, is make sure little Kit is gaining weight. Pop him on the scale and let us know. :)
FN vs CN cage

I just went through the Ferret Nation vs Critter Nation confusion this week!

The only differences I found were the FN is vertical and wider spaced. CN is horizontal and bars are closer together. FN requires a screwdriver to put together. CN does not. Otherwise, they are the exact same cage.

If you do decide on the FN, call ahead to petsmart and ask if they'll pricematch. If so, print this out. My local petsmart gave me $50 off.

It's an amazing cage, but whether you do CN or FN, you'll need to order a deeper bedding pan unless you do fleece liners because the bedding does indeed go everywhere. You can get them here.

Good luck!!!
Why would he? I've never had a male attack a newborn kit, whether it was his or whether I had fostered it to his mate.


at least that's what I heard, but I think it might be possible, since chins are capable of fighting and killing each other, I just don't like to risk kits like that, just in case, I just think you never know
FN vs CN

I kind of like the FN cage because you can walk by and give them a scratch. But the kit can get out. Is there anyway to use a FN cage and fix it so the kit can't get out?
Hi at least that's what I heard, but I think it might be possible, since chins are capable of fighting and killing each other, I just don't like to risk kits like that, just in case, I just think you never know

Females kill males as much as males kill females. I still don't see what that has to do with this case? If your logic held true, since chins kill each other, then moms would all kill their babies. Again, I have never had a male, ever, turn on a new kit whether it's his own or a foster.

I kind of like the FN cage because you can walk by and give them a scratch. But the kit can get out. Is there anyway to use a FN cage and fix it so the kit can't get out?

You can wrap it in hardware cloth. Seems like more of a hassle than it's worth to me, but you're only doing this with one cage whereas I have over a hundred babies each year so it wouldn't fly. :)