Corner litter pans

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I am a new owner of a little chinny named Mo for about a month now and I've decided to switch to fleece liners from bedding. I know that I have to get a corner pan for him to pee in, but does it matter of it's plastic or metal? Will he eat on the plastic? Also, how can I get him to pee in it? Or is that just something he has to learn on his own.

Thank you! :)
Yes, it depends on the chin. I have two females the same age, from the same breeder, grew up together, and one of them pees wherever she feels like it, while the other only pees on the corners of her cage. As for the plastic, it depends, some chins chew plastic, others don't. If yours does, you shouldn't have any plastic in the cage, so I would personally go for the metal.
if your chin chews plastic, go with metal.

all my chins are litter trained. best suggestion to get them potty trained is find out where they pee the most when they have bedding and then put the pan in that same spot. Try using soiled bedding the first time you use a pan also. Thats always worked for me and mine rarely pee on the fleece.
If your chin doesn't chew on plastic, you can go for the plastic ones. I have a plastic one in my cage and my chin hasn't chewed on it. Also, litter training can be sort of difficult. My chinchilla always peed in the same spot in his old cage, so training him was pretty simple, so MOST of the time he pees in his litter pan in his new cage, but every once in a while I see tiny areas where he maybe peed accidentally or forgot about the litter pan.