Colorado Feb 4th, 2012

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Thanks, Mark and Nicole for being fast and on the ball and getting the results posted so quickly!!! :thumbsup:

A HUGE thank you to everyone who came in spite of the storm!!! It may have been a small show in numbers, but it was large in the quality of chins and the camaraderie of the people -- Chin Folk ARE the greatest!!!

The Soup Supper that Calista and Maynard host was fabulous as usual!!! Getting to go into Maynard's chin barn is always my favorite thing to do -- I love looking for new babies!!!

As Nicole said, we DID miss those Cali girls!!! Maybe next year...

Oh, and how could I forget to mention Mark's Blue Diamonds??? They ARE every bit as beautiful as they are said to be. Pictures do NOT do them justice -- they DO sparkle in the sunlight and the color is UNBELIEVABLE!!!

It will be interesting to watch this mutation develop!!!

Again, THANK YOU to everyone who made this show a success and a fun time!!!

Mark, I'm very disappointed you didn't list my PW as 3rd best white... because as Joe said it was still 3rd best, even though we didn't have that placing! lol

We're home and unloaded, long weekend, lots of homework to catch up on but it was worth it.
Speaking of Whites, since I didn't make it in the morning to get my chins in the mutation show, I asked Joe if he would evaluate my chins against the show, and he did! Of course my chins weren't groomed though.

1. He said my Violet boy would have been a second place (I predicted 3rd)

2. My Black Velvet boy would have been a 1st place (He still would have given Mark's the Color Class Champion though. He showed me Mark's and why he picked it over mine. He liked that Mark's had longer fur, and the color of Mark's was better. The color of Mark's is what I call "Midnight Blue Sheen" The fur seriously has a midnight blue glass shine to it. I know that color beacause mine had that color too when I got it from Mark. I think mine was lacking under the lights because it wasn't groomed, and because it's housed with other chins and they live/sleep on wood shavings, and not on a grate. Black is such a hard color to keep show worthy. Mine had a brighter underside though. :p (I predicted mine would be Color Class Champion)

3. He said my White male was the best of the day, and said he needs to go to Nationals where he will do VERY well, then he needs to get a girlfriend :) He got a first place at Nationals last year when he was only 5 mos! He's SO much bigger now and it appears his fur is holding up well. lol I actually think he was the biggest mutation chin there yesterday. (I predicted he would have been Color Class Champ and looks like that would have happened had I made the show. I would not have posted this if it was looking like I was trying to discredit someones win. But since John Suhr won the White Color Class, and Shadowfax is a Suhr Sir, it seemed to me not be an insult to post this here. When the judge picked up Shadowfax, his whole demeanor seem to change. He said "now THIS is what I like to see...the clarity on this chin is of the day!" ( I have no idea what clarity is on a chin.) John was there and said "Thank you". LOL The judge didn't know that John was the breeder at that time. I'm begging John to take him to Nationals for me.

Getting my chins evaluated against the show was the highlight of stopping in for me. I didn't get any ribbons, but at least I got to know how my chins would have done. That was EXTREMELY nice of the judge to do that.
The other highlights were seeing John Suhr's STUNNING Beige (Mutation show grand champion), and Mark Miller's Blue Diamond (Violet Color Class Champ I believe).

It was great seeing the Beitzs' and the Suhrs' again. They are great people and I can hang out with them any day of the week. Wish I could have met more people while I was there, but my chins didn't make the show so I was carrying them in big carriers and there was no place to put them. I was going to stash them in the car, but with the sun beating through the window it was starting to get stuffy in there. Plus I had my dog in the car too. It was worth the trip.
Speaking of Whites, since I didn't make it in the morning to get my chins in the mutation show, I asked Joe if he would evaluate my chins against the show, and he did! Of course my chins weren't groomed though.

1. He said my Violet boy would have been a second place (I predicted 3rd)

2. My Black Velvet boy would have been a 1st place (He still would have given Mark's the Color Class Champion though. He showed me Mark's and why he picked it over mine. He liked that Mark's had longer fur, and the color of Mark's was better. The color of Mark's is what I call "Midnight Blue Sheen" The fur seriously has a midnight blue glass shine to it. I know that color beacause mine had that color too when I got it from Mark. I think mine was lacking under the lights because it wasn't groomed, and because it's housed with other chins and they live/sleep on wood shavings, and not on a grate. Black is such a hard color to keep show worthy. Mine had a brighter underside though. :p (I predicted mine would be Color Class Champion)

3. He said my White male was the best of the day, and said he needs to go to Nationals where he will do VERY well, then he needs to get a girlfriend :) He got a first place at Nationals last year when he was only 5 mos! He's SO much bigger now and it appears his fur is holding up well. lol I actually think he was the biggest mutation chin there yesterday. (I predicted he would have been Color Class Champ and looks like that would have happened had I made the show. I would not have posted this if it was looking like I was trying to discredit someones win. But since John Suhr won the White Color Class, and Shadowfax is a Suhr Sir, it seemed to me not be an insult to post this here. When the judge picked up Shadowfax, his whole demeanor seem to change. He said "now THIS is what I like to see...the clarity on this chin is of the day!" ( I have no idea what clarity is on a chin.) John was there and said "Thank you". LOL The judge didn't know that John was the breeder at that time. I'm begging John to take him to Nationals for me.

Getting my chins evaluated against the show was the highlight of stopping in for me. I didn't get any ribbons, but at least I got to know how my chins would have done. That was EXTREMELY nice of the judge to do that.
The other highlights were seeing John Suhr's STUNNING Beige (Mutation show grand champion), and Mark Miller's Blue Diamond (Violet Color Class Champ I believe).

It was great seeing the Beitzs' and the Suhrs' again. They are great people and I can hang out with them any day of the week. Wish I could have met more people while I was there, but my chins didn't make the show so I was carrying them in big carriers and there was no place to put them. I was going to stash them in the car, but with the sun beating through the window it was starting to get stuffy in there. Plus I had my dog in the car too. It was worth the trip.

Awesome, and I'm envious I didn't think to go and ask for an eval. we weren't plowed out til about noon...*Sigh* Live and learn.