Ya, the weather's looking terrible. Big storm coming in tomorrow night lasting until friday early afternoon. 6-10" according to the weather report I saw. They mentioned that I-76 would have 45 mph winds during the storm. They also had some snow falling on Saturday morning, but didn't say how much. High of 33 degrees on Sat.
Please all of you be careful out there. After chatting with Mark I was planning on driving up with my dogs/chins Saturday morning and leaving the dogs in the car and tending to them throughout the day. But at 33 degrees outside, doesn't look like it's going to be able to happen. I can't leave my dogs home from 5AM Sat until 6-7PM Sat alone unattended. Plus the drive up there kind of scares me now. Not sure how clean I-25 will be on Sat. morning after that snowfall??? This is such a bummer. I guess someone elses chins will have to take all the top awards. :laughitup: