So I think I'm going to come down and check this out if the conditions aren't too bad. I of course won't be showing but I think I was really like to meet all of you and check out all the chinchillas.
Well, I just got back from the Crawford show!!! What a trip!!! If you were following the weather on Friday, I left town in the middle of a doozy of a blizzard!! In short, the first FOUR HOURS it took me to go 90 miles from Denver to Silverthorne (just through the Eisenhower tunnel on I-70) were the worst!!! There were 38 inches of snow in the area where we sat in stopped traffic for 2 hours, watching it pile up.
I traveled in phone contact with Vicki and Bob Merritt and ChinManDan from Iowa who, as it turned out, were a couple of miles ahead of me. As I'm fond of saying, "I'm nothing, if not intrepid", so I said to myself, "If it takes me 4 hours to get to Vail, (normally a 1 1/2 hour drive) and it's still bad, I'll call it a day and go back." Well, after we were over the Continental Divide and on the down side of the tunnel, things improved greatly!!!
Thankfully, just about everyone made it to Crawford safe and sound. John and Diane Suhr from Greeley, Maynard Beitz from Ft. Collins, Luke, Jamie, Taylor and Tommy Faussette from Utah, Kim and LouAnne Sorenson, also from Utah, Vi Look and Cindy Zoeller from Steamboat Springs, Max and Joanne Otten (not sure from where) and a couple of others I didn't get the chance to meet; sorry if I left anyone out. Newcomers Ann and John and their son and daughter from Rock Springs, Wyoming attended their first show and I believe they had a great time and purchased some new animals as well. (Hope to see you there again next year, too!!!)
As always, Roger and Kathy Clark were wonderful and welcoming hosts of a great show and time!!! Their new puppy, Smoke, was a hit with everyone. And what's a chin show without a trip to the chin barn to look at new kits and all the lovely animals that didn't get to go to the show??? Thanks for that warm Western hospitality!!!
DANG, Luke, now that you're BANNED, who's going to post the results??? There were many beautiful animals, so I'll leave the details to the experts. A good time was had by all and I'm already excited about attending again next year.
I must tell you that the return trip home today was the most fun I've had in long time!!! Bob, Vicki, Dan and I took a different route back east, along the Black Canyon of The Gunnison River and drove through some spectacular scenery on the most beautiful blue-sky day on dry pavement and did some sightseeing along the way. Let's just say that Vicki, who has a fear of bridges, survived driving across the wooden bridge at the Royal Gorge 1,053 feet above the Arkansas River and has a T-shirt and refrigerator magnet to prove it!!! Man, that was a fun day, guys -- THANKS!!! :thumbsup:
This REALLY is a great show, and you should try to make it if you can!!!