chins in basement?

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Apr 27, 2011
Hi, I was wondering, I have a basement just a concrete type basement nothing fancy, no windows in the basement. I am wondering if it is ok to put my chins down there if I have a light cycle for them? Thanks for any info!!!
The main problem with unfinished basements are humidity and bugs. The humidity can really be detrimental to chin health. If you have a really good dehumidifier, then it might be ok.
ok, I do have a humidifier. But thats what I was wondering! I want only the best for my babies, and was looking at any info you all had!! Thanks a bunch!!!!!
We keep our chins in an unfinished basement. We have a digital gauge that shows both temperature and humidity -- we just make sure both stay within reasonable levels (we use a dehumidifier if the humidity starts getting too high) and so far so good! Haven't had problems with bugs... we see the occasional spider, but we see the occasional spider even upstairs in the finished part of the house, so it's no worse down there.
I kept my chins in a semi-finished basement for awhile with a dehumidifier, and had all kinds of problems come up. I don't know if it was just my luck or what. I had one get a URI, another get fungus, and another get a terrible leg infection all in the span of being in the basement. At one time I had 2 dehumidifiers going and I got them moved out of there ASAP. The humidity was my biggest struggle. Where there is humidity, there is usually mold. However, others keep their chins in basements with no issues. I think as long as you can keep your humidity under control you should be okay.
We have raised 400 chinchillas in our basement for over twenty years. Lights on a timer works great. We run two dehumidifiers and two air conditioners and one exhaust fan. The exhaust fan is as important as anything. Hot humid air rises so exhaust the hot air out and the air should stay good but with no windows it might pose as a challege. good luck with them.