For being such small animals chinchillas have some of the most unique personalities and little quirks (more so then most dogs or cats I've met). What's the funniest thing your chin likes to do?
My Lily-Bean is a collector. She'll take anything she can get her paws on from loose chin toys to business cards, lottery tickets, pen caps, and even an entire book and store them in her hidey house or under the sofa. The running joke with my boyfriend and I is that if we can't find something the first place to look is in Lily's cage. :neener:
My Lily-Bean is a collector. She'll take anything she can get her paws on from loose chin toys to business cards, lottery tickets, pen caps, and even an entire book and store them in her hidey house or under the sofa. The running joke with my boyfriend and I is that if we can't find something the first place to look is in Lily's cage. :neener: