Chin Wants Out and Drags me Into Cage

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Feb 14, 2010
Hi guys.
I have a question. Not sure if I have a hyper chin but she (still trying to get used to that) wants out at night every night and sometimes I can't let her out but when I go near the cage to give her a pat thru the bars, she bites me and tries to drage me into the cage so I'm out of her way to get out. Any way I can get her to stop that and be a little more calm when I go to her cage?
She only had one thing on her mind and that's I want out. She torments the crud out of the cat:) I'm glad they get along though.
I think every chinchilla wants to be out of the cage every second, but they can't obviously. Give her something to do maybe, get a wheel maybe, that may keep her busy. The part about dragging you in the cage....i have no idea!
Do you give her treats through the bars? I would open the doors to give pets and treats so she can bond with you better :)).
I usually open up the cage and put it on my hand. She comes running to me when I am home to see me and such and lets me pick her up so I think she trusts me, I wonder if this behaviuor is just her being her..:) I may have let her run around too early before fully bonding so now maybe she accoiates me with coming out of her cage,....
just be careful with the cat. Mine always use to be afraid of my chin and wouldn't even give him a second glance.. but i've been to the vet twice for 2 different attacks in the past year... Needless to say... she is locked in a different room now when the chin is out. Instinct eventually takes over sometimes. Just wanted to say that :)
Oh for sure! I keep watch all the time. I dont' take her out unless I have time dedicted to keep an sharp eye on both of them. I'm actually surprised they are getting along. My cat is crippled so there is only so much she can do attack wise. She can't swipe very well. She just mainly sits and observes..
Oh well thats good...but sorry to hear about your cat :) I was soo scared when he was attacked. THe one time ..we were in my bathroom with the door shut and the cat was in the living room...well I wasn't even aware of it at the time but gizmo had his tail underneath the door...and my cat apparantly thought it was a play toy and attacked his tail and wouldn't let go even though I was screaming and kicking the door. A shaved tail on a chin is quite the sight!! The second time she grabbed him through the bars in the play pen and lifted him up off the floor with her claw. I freaked out but thankfully he pulled through just fine :)
Certainly sounds like you have your hands full! Fortunetly I know what you are going through since I have a male that does this exactly. ;)
He has quite the personality and will wrap his teeth around my finger and try to pull me towards him. I haven't found a way to stop him but he doesn't do it that often so I haven't really found a need to stop him.
Well ironically enough I posted a thread about using fleece instred of woodchips and since lastnight she doesn't seem to do that as much nor gnaw on the cage. I wonder if the fleece was the fix..
My chin does the same thing. It's nice to know it's "normal" behavior lol. My bigger chin will pull my hand under her so she can jump over. After pulling my hand under her a few times she bit me >.>
My (declawed) cat will stick her paw under the bathroom door sometimes during my chin's playtime. It's so funny to see him rush at the cat paw and attack it, and I don't have to worry since the cat can't hurt him. He even watches for the paw to make an appearance so he can get his first strike in. I never knew my chin was so crazy!! But he doesn't hurt the cat, he just nips.
Female Chinchilla

Hello I'm new at this so please be patient with me,

I have 2 chinchillas (they are actually my daughters but she left for college)
First she told me they are booth females but it turns out one is a gray male and the white is a female so they are in two different cages because I do not want babies. Can I let them out together to play? I will be watching of course but I do not know if iit s a good idea....

Also the female one spray pee on me for the first time yesterday she never done that before I was trying to get her back in her cage is there anything to avoid being spayed?
It seems Thiago jumps on my cat then runs away only to have the cat chase her then she does it again. Its like a little game with them:)

Yoyis37 I am very new to chins as well. I only have one so I don't have the issue with spraying..Maybe the female is claiming you as her property and is warning the other saying "She is mine" should the other pick up the scent.
Not sure though but it seems logical as I have realized then can be territorial and dominant.....If that makes sense.
Hello I'm new at this so please be patient with me,

I have 2 chinchillas (they are actually my daughters but she left for college)
First she told me they are booth females but it turns out one is a gray male and the white is a female so they are in two different cages because I do not want babies. Can I let them out together to play? I will be watching of course but I do not know if iit s a good idea....

Also the female one spray pee on me for the first time yesterday she never done that before I was trying to get her back in her cage is there anything to avoid being spayed?

If you don't want babies then no, do not let them play together either. They need to stay COMPLETELY seperate.
And really there isn't much to do to avoid being sprayed except to learn what upset her (probably you trying to capture/pick her up) and avoid doing it lol. It's a defense mechanism.
Good to know. I havent' had that problem with mine so wouldn't have known its a defense mechanism. Hopefully I won't give her a reason to do that!
My Ricky tries to grab me through the cage when he REALLY wants out, and he trys to bite and drag my fingers in. Needless to say i don't poke my fingers in the cage when he's in that kind of mood.
That is exactly what mine does. She hates being in there. I can't say I blame her. I'd rather have free reign all the time:)