Chin lost outside- need help

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wow, what a story! Sounds like Squeak needs to be rescued again...I do indeed know how fast a chin can be and I certainly believe you that he could escape so quickly out the door. I really hope someone has found him and just hasn't realized where to return him to. Hopefully you have signs up around the condos and the neighborhood as well as making calls to the local rescue to see if someone has turned him in there. I'm so sorry he's gone, the not knowing how he is, is the worst part. I sure hope he makes his way home very soon. Good luck in your search.
Hello everyone, Squeak is my chinchilla, and I'd like to clarify and update everyone who has been beyond helpful. I truly thank you for all the help. First, our little Squeak or Squeak Monster because he's a very adventurous and smart chinchilla, loves to get everywhere. He's a rescue that I got from a local pet store during one of their animal rescue adoption weeks. The animal rescue group had saved him from a skinning farm that was set up near here. He was the runt out of the two chins left. He was seriously under weight, had bite marks on him and fur missing from some areas. Along with an infected toe and ear. They wanted to give up on him but I wouldn't. So I brought Squeak home, took him to the vet and slowly nursed him back to health. His health rebounded and he really came alive again. Since then he has become a loving member of our family. Yes, Squeak does have a cage. Its a large cage, with flying saucer wheel, plenty of ledges, a little house and a lot of toys and some snuggle buddies. And yes he does get a lot of free run/play time outside his cage. But that's because I work as an EMT and when I'm home I like to spend time with him and play. Plus he loves to just chill out and watch movies and tv with me. He's always in the a/c because yes Florida is hot. Squeak was having some play time when he got out. My mom was leaving to go for a walk and he left the room and shot straight for the door. I think its mostly because he's very curious and the fact that he loves to sit at the windows and look outside. I know you all know how fast a chin can run when they want to. My mom says she didn't even see him run out the door and it was only open for the time it takes to open go out and close it. At first, I thought he was inside when he didn't run right back. But after a little too long of quiet, which for Squeak isn't very long at all. I searched everywhere in the hope he was inside. But then I found some poops on the steps outside. I have diligently followed all the advice everyone has given and I'm very thankful for it. I've ended up only sleeping while at work because I spend all my other time searching for him and hoping for something new that might help. Squeak is a loved part of my life and my family. He holds a special place in me and my girlfriends hearts as we want him to have a long happy life with us. And I'd do anything to have him back right now. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Again thank you and I hope Squeak shows up very soon. He's a hardly little guy and I hope he makes it back home where he's missed.

Aww I am so sorry. I feel for you and i'm sure it was an accident. You can't beat yourself up over it. If your trying everything that's been suggested then the only thing you can hope for is that either you find him or that someone else has found him and either planning on returning him or is giving him a great home. It's a bummer and a hard lesson learned. These guys are super fast and can never be under-estimated.
The only other suggestion I might have is to maybe call a radio station and/or the newspaper (if they allow you to) and ask if the will print and/or announce (in the case of the radio) that you have lost your chin and you are are worried for his health do to the FL. heat and are offering a reward for his return. Also might even ask for leads if anyone has seen him so you can look there.
Unless he is an exceptionally crafty little chin i'd say as time goes on that the odds are definately stacking against him.
We'll keep all our chinny fingers and toes crossed over here for a safe and speedy return home. Sending chinny hugs your way....Good luck
So sorry. It's a really helpless feeling when something happens to those little guys. Hope it turns out o.k. I'll be praying for you.
Hello everyone, Squeak is my chinchilla, and I'd like to clarify and update everyone who has been beyond helpful. I truly thank you for all the help. First, our little Squeak or Squeak Monster because he's a very adventurous and smart chinchilla, loves to get everywhere. He's a rescue that I got from a local pet store during one of their animal rescue adoption weeks. The animal rescue group had saved him from a skinning farm that was set up near here. He was the runt out of the two chins left. He was seriously under weight, had bite marks on him and fur missing from some areas. Along with an infected toe and ear. They wanted to give up on him but I wouldn't. So I brought Squeak home, took him to the vet and slowly nursed him back to health. His health rebounded and he really came alive again. Since then he has become a loving member of our family. Yes, Squeak does have a cage. Its a large cage, with flying saucer wheel, plenty of ledges, a little house and a lot of toys and some snuggle buddies. And yes he does get a lot of free run/play time outside his cage. But that's because I work as an EMT and when I'm home I like to spend time with him and play. Plus he loves to just chill out and watch movies and tv with me. He's always in the a/c because yes Florida is hot. Squeak was having some play time when he got out. My mom was leaving to go for a walk and he left the room and shot straight for the door. I think its mostly because he's very curious and the fact that he loves to sit at the windows and look outside. I know you all know how fast a chin can run when they want to. My mom says she didn't even see him run out the door and it was only open for the time it takes to open go out and close it. At first, I thought he was inside when he didn't run right back. But after a little too long of quiet, which for Squeak isn't very long at all. I searched everywhere in the hope he was inside. But then I found some poops on the steps outside. I have diligently followed all the advice everyone has given and I'm very thankful for it. I've ended up only sleeping while at work because I spend all my other time searching for him and hoping for something new that might help. Squeak is a loved part of my life and my family. He holds a special place in me and my girlfriends hearts as we want him to have a long happy life with us. And I'd do anything to have him back right now. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Again thank you and I hope Squeak shows up very soon. He's a hardly little guy and I hope he makes it back home where he's missed.

Of course it was an accident. And I keep praying that he makes it home very safe. It's horrible when you don't realize what they are capable of. I thought I lost one once due to my dog trying to play with it. I went to bed one night and always make sure the cage door is shut properly and when I got up the next morning I found so much fur on the floor I thought he was dead. I was crying my eyes out. At first I thought I didn't shut the door properly to his cage, but then I realized I did and he got it open anyways during the night, and of course my dog wanted to play with him. Anyways, after i let my dog out, he came out from hiding and went right back into his cage. I was so relieved that he was fine, just a little scratch on his back and of course lots of missing fur. But I'm just telling you this because as much as we try to protect them from harm, sometimes they do get the best of us and outsmart us, they are very smart animals.

Of course you feel guilty, when you love animals like we do in this forum, we always blame ourselves when something happens that could of been stopped if we just knew what was going to happen, but truth of the matter is we don't have crystal balls [i'm not being sarcastic so don't take this the wrong please], and like I said, they do outsmart us sometimes. No matter what someone says, it's hard to let go of the blame. But I'm sure you are doing the best you can to find your little guy. I do hope he makes it home safe and sound, and please keep us posted. He is in my prayers.

I really like the flour idea. Seeing paw prints would be a great sign and you might be able to get a clue as to where he is hiding. Me and my herd wish you the best. Good luck in your search.
I hope you will find him, but with FL weather, and such being as hot as it is, I am not sure if that is false hope or not.

Good luck.
Unfortunetly I think they have given up. Unless he was found and not reported, there is just no way he could have made it this long. It is so wet, rainy, humid, and HOT. To make it worse, there was tons of construction going around the area that most likely scared him out of the area. Of course there is always hope, and I still pray for poor Squeak. I hope everyone takes this to heart and realized how easy it is to lose a chin, and to be so very very careful. Give all the babies scritches and extra apple wood today!

I am so sorry you lost Squeak and am still hoping for a miracle!
Unfortunetly I think they have given up. Unless he was found and not reported, there is just no way he could have made it this long. It is so wet, rainy, humid, and HOT. To make it worse, there was tons of construction going around the area that most likely scared him out of the area. Of course there is always hope, and I still pray for poor Squeak. I hope everyone takes this to heart and realized how easy it is to lose a chin, and to be so very very careful. Give all the babies scritches and extra apple wood today!

I am so sorry you lost Squeak and am still hoping for a miracle!

Please send her/him condolences and let her know how sorry I am that this has happened to her/him I was really praying that he made it home. This is so sad and I really do feel for the owner.

I was really hoping for a miraculous happy ending to all this...I'm so sorry the chinnie was not found but sure hope it has been found by someone. What a terrible loss. It breaks my heart.
I just want to thank everyone for all the support. Unfortunately we have to just hope someone found Squeak and he has a loving home somewhere else instead of the worst. I used to breed traditional apple head seal point siamese so I understand that sometimes the worst can happen no matter how much love you give to your pet and your friend. I will always hope for the best for Squeak and I'll never forget how wonderful he was. We are looking into getting another chin because Squeak showed us how loving they can be.
Aww what a bummer. I too was hoping someone might have found him and returned him. Hopefully he has a loving home somewhere and he is safe and sound. Sorry for your loss. It always sucks loosing your pets. :(
So my gf and I went out today to get another chinchilla. He's a cute little guy who we've decided to call Squeakquel or Squeak for short. I know that was our first chins name but he responded to it immediately like it was always his name. He's a 2 month beige that is considered small for his age but we think he's perfect. He'll get the same love Squeak the First received and we are so happy that he's part of our family.
Aww I am really sorry Squeak 1 hasn't turned up. Sometimes it's just better not to know what happened to your pet and just hope. One day I couldn't find my childhood cat (she never strayed) and I searched and searched and never found her or her body. So part of me just told myself somebody found her, even though I really thought she just went off to take her last breaths (she was an old kitty). I hope this new chin can help you cope :)
good luck and make sure to lock squeek 2 up when company is coming and going.
good luck and make sure to lock squeek 2 up when company is coming and going.

Or have a pet gate in front of the outside door. It will at least slow down another escape attempt. But better yet, either have him locked in his cage or shut in another room when going in and out. I sure don't want you to go through any more heartache!