Supposedly, off the email she sent me, he was out for play time and the front door was open? Off of the way she said it I don't think he is cage bound often (though I can be completely wrong on that)? I put the question marks there because I am really not sure. This is the initial email she sent me:
My son has rescued a chinchilla from a pet store that had closed, he has read everything about chinchillas. (My son is a 26 year Army veteran who just got out of the service after 7 years in the infantry - he is very responsible) We have a cage and a wooden house an exercise wheel, everything that chinchilla needs. When he rescued the chinchilla from the pet store, the chinchilla was small and had bites on his legs, he took the chin to the vet got the medication and took good care of it. Squeak, (the chin's name) has doubled in size and is a very sociable animal. He jumps up on a chair that we are sitting on and will sit next to us. Tonight, we think that he might have gotten out by mistake. We live on the second floor of a 2 story condo building. There are concrete steps that go up to our door, no elevator. We have been outside all night looking for him. What is the behavior of chins that get loose by mistake and what can we do to find him? My son says that if he is outside, he might not survive the night. He really loves the chin and has been through enough heartache from the military. What can we do to get the chinchilla to come back or find him? Thank you.