The show was great! Congrats to the winners! I'll have to get a copy of the actual show results from Cara, but here is what I remember!
Class 1
CC-Sumiko De La Vega (Chinchilla Chateau)
RCC-Sumiko De La Vega (Chinchilla Chateau)
Class 2
CC-Shahna Thomas (Ridge Chinchillas)
RCC- Tabitha Hong (RDZC Ranch)
Class 3
CC-Sumiko De La Vega (Chinchilla Chateau)
RCC- Tabitha Hong (RDZC Ranch)
GSC Standard - Class 3 CC Sumiko De La Vega (Chinchilla Chateau)
RGSC Standard - Class 3 RCC Tabitha Hong (RDZC Ranch)
White CC-mosaic Danny Miller (Chinchilla Villa)
White RCC-pink white Tabitha Hong (RDZC Ranch)
Sapphire CC-Cara Beasley (Chinchillas QED)
Sapphire RCC-Cara Beasley (Chinchillas QED)
Violet CC-Ruth and Gary Harmer (Chiniverse)
Violet RCC-Ruth and Gary Harmer (Chiniverse)
Beige CC-Pam Oldham (Chin Colores)
Beige RCC-Elisa Johnstone (Erudite Chinchillas)
Ebony CC-Pam Oldham (Chin Colores)
Ebony RCC-Shahna Thomas (Ridge Chinchillas)
Black Velvet CC-Shahna Thomas (Ridge Chinchillas)
Black Velvet RCC-Elisa Johnstone (Erudite Chinchillas)
GSC Mutations-BV Shahna Thomas (Ridge Chinchillas)
RGSC Mutations-BV Elisa Johnstone (Erudite Chinchillas)
Junior Breeder Awards:
1st place went to Sumiko De La Vega (Chinchilla Chateau)
2nd place went to Cara Beasley (Chinchillas QED)
3rd place went to Tabitha Hong (RDZC Ranch)
4th place went to Ruth and Gary Harmer (Chiniverse)
5th place went to Summer Hale (4 Ever Chins)
Thank you Shahna and Amber for the awesome tubes! I'll have to PM you to put in an order for the next show.

I put the tubes and ledge I got from you guys in some of the chin cages and they love them!
I had a great time and this show was a huge success! Shahna won the 50/50 raffle and took home a good $60! I'll attach photos in a little bit!