How are show cages cleaned between shows?
Not to my knowledge...
How are show cages cleaned between shows?
Dawn, I could be wrong but the way I read Sue's post, I think she meant the show cages of the Chapter she belongs to???
I know some chapters hold show cage cleaning and repair days but have not heard of one in a while. But just because I haven't heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
Personally I carry a container of Clorox wipes with me to shows and wipe the cage down before I use it. It isn't perfect since you can't sterilize with just a wipe but it makes me feel like I'm trying.
Just posting for general information, I don't want to ruffle feathers, but do you disinfect your own cages? I know the trend is for vinegar and all that, but mild bleach water is the ONLY thing that will kill some of this stuff. When we come home from a show too, our show cages are folded up in plastic tubs and I fill them up with water on the back deck and some bleach and let them soak for a while. (No, they don't turn white). Then they dry in the sun (which is why our shows are later in summer when we have sun). It's harder in winter but every couple of months I roll our cages out and spray them down with a power washer and some diluted bleach and then rinse them off before bringing them back in. If there's sun, they sit outside for a while. Peggy has also mentioned that she treats her runs with bleach water in another thread. Just going on what my vet said, he raises rabbits.