BABY/S are coming!!!!!

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My girl who has been having trouble is in labor right now!!!
Hope it all goes well!! Good luck to you and momma and kit(s) :)
Darn, I was a day off! Keep your eye on her - I've had them for 9 yrs. and never witnessed a birth! Hope everything comes out alright!!!
Maybe I'll be right with trips,anyway!!!
Rickman~ you never guesed on mine, it was orlando! lol She is still waiting. I have another question for all~ I think she may be done, It has been an hour and only one kit. She has been nibbling on her hay and pellets, is she done? Oops she just pulled out a mass. It kidof looks like an organ with an ambilical cord... what does a placenta look like??
another few questions.. can they have placenta previa? how long does it take for a placenta to come after kit? That mass I found was a placenta, but it came an hour after the baby so I dont know if it isthe first kits, or another. After she had that she keeps checking herself down there. How long should I give her for another kit?
Could be up to a couple of hours - if she's still checking, there's probably more!
Congrats and good luck!!!!! I just went and told Heidi that she lost the race....hopefully that will motivate her to have
congratulations! make sure to give her a 50/50 water w/unsweetened apple juice AND a regular water bottle.

she will continue to "check herself" for a while.
Congratulations! Keep us posted on whether you have one baby or if more come along. And of course, don't forget pics!!! :)
Congrats and good luck!!!!! I just went and told Heidi that she lost the race....hopefully that will motivate her to have

Me too! too funny!

It looks like she will only be having one. It is a male 49 grams, and named maguel. My sister has my digital camera so hopefully she will bring it today and I will post pictures!
Momma and baby are doing good! Fancy has her appetite back! She wasnt even done cleaning off Miguel and and started eating. Thank you all so much for words of incouragement!

chinchildren~ you said unsweetened apple juice. No everything I look at that says unsweetened still has sugar, is that ok? do you recommend a brand? I have 50/50 unsweetened cranberry juice in there right now, that is what the vet recommended. I started giving that to her two days ago.

again thanks to all!
The cranberry juice is fine. You can use either or and it works the same way.

Congrats on the bebbie!
if she is drinking the cranberry that is fine. the vet probably recommended it because it helps to fight uterine track infections. some chins don't like it and the apple works well (it is just to make sure that they keep up the liquid intake and i think some chins find the cranberry a little tart). i use the infant juice (gerber etc).

glad to hear all is looking good and mom is eating. make sure to give her lots of hay and maybe even a raisen or two since she had a bout of small poops...

chinchildren~ you said unsweetened apple juice. No everything I look at that says unsweetened still has sugar, is that ok? do you recommend a brand? I have 50/50 unsweetened cranberry juice in there right now, that is what the vet recommended. I started giving that to her two days ago.

again thanks to all!
What color is Miguel??????

I am so jealous!!!!! I just went and begged Heidi to give really but only because I don't want her to be stressed