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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2009
Northern Virginia
A guy in my area is rehoming his chins, he told me that he had a male chin and decided to get him a friend, of course he got a female and said he wanted to have one litter. The mom's first litter was 3 and he kept one. Then the mom turned around and had another litter right away (ummm duh!) and this time she had 4 kits! So now he is rehoming everyone because he is getting married, moving and going on a trip and has no one to care for them.

Anyway, I told him I would help him find some homes. And I picked up two little ones, they are 4 months old :D They are super cute! They both very friendly and look like they are in good health. He didn't have any food to give me and it wasn't good food anyway so I am going to cold switch them over to Manna Pro Sho. I gave them some apple sticks tonight, I was thinking they probably wouldn't know what to do with them... boy was I WRONG they are both in Heaven with those sticks :thumbsup:

So I might keep one, we will see. I haven't been able to get Maddie and Mitzie and Lizzie to become a trio, so I might see if Lizzie takes to one of the babies so she has a friend (after course, after the 30 days) but my boyfriend might throw a hissy fit if I keep one. :banghead: but anyway, only time will tell. And they are always welcome to live with Sonia (another member on this forum) who lives just south of me.

And now I will stop yapping and get on with some pics!


Those are some adorable looking chins!!! :thumbsup: I especially love the one looking straight at the camera with the ears perked up and the pic with the two of them in the bathhouse! So cute!
are these the 7 chins that someone has posted in the DC Craigslist???

yeppers, he thinks he has homes for all of them, but I told him that if anything fell through and he needed me to come take some more I would. He lives in Bethesda, MD. He was very nice and seems to really care about them.
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They are cute! I say forget the BF and keep em both! Or you could always PM starleomach and ask her what she does to get Marshall to do her bidding then the BF wouldn't care!
If I could, I would take them all! They are adorable and I sure hope they find some good forever homes!
They are cute! I say forget the BF and keep em both! Or you could always PM starleomach and ask her what she does to get Marshall to do her bidding then the BF wouldn't care!

hahaha good advice! Here is the funny thing, when I told him I was going to go get them he seemed fine, then after a few hours he threw a hissy fit about it (which I think was mainly due to the fact that he didn't want me to run out at night and get them, instead I should be home worrying about what we would have for dinner... because this is something HE seems to worry about EVERY freaking night!) anyway, after we got everything resolved I ran out and got them and when I got home with them, the first thing he does is open the carrier and grab one out and start cuddling the little sweetie and now all night he has been grabbing them out of the cage and loving on them, I had to tell him to let them be! He even gave them their first behind the ear/neck rubs!

Oh and I brought home some Chilli's curbside to go :thumbsup:
lol, men! they always do things like that. Throw a hissy about an animal and once it gets there, they are ALL over them! which goes to show, men are just big kids!
The babies are cuties I do have It pretty well under control here with Marshall, being he wants me to expand further and is currently working on another chinchilla hotel with 12 cages holding around 34 animals comforably
My son, and others I know, are real cranky when hungry!
Ask for things after a meal, and things might go more your way!
[just from my experience, anyway.]
"Oh, well then I can stay put and make the steaks if you want to run up to Bethesda and pick up the babies?" *smile smile smile* (Kidding, though the temptation would be there.)

I'm so lucky; my better half has no problem with my plans to live in a small zoo, as long as I can guarantee that my snakes won't get after his rats. I can't see us having too many disagreements about rescue animals coming in, etc.
"Oh, well then I can stay put and make the steaks if you want to run up to Bethesda and pick up the babies?" *smile smile smile* (Kidding, though the temptation would be there.)


While I was driving home from work this evening (he had the day off) I called him, I asked about the kitties as always, and asked him about the babies, he said he had visited with them a few times during the day. Then tonight as I was checking my email he got them both out of the cage and brought them to me, he is smitten :thumbsup:
I'm so lucky; my better half has no problem with my plans to live in a small zoo, as long as I can guarantee that my snakes won't get after his rats. I can't see us having too many disagreements about rescue animals coming in, etc.

My DH is like this too...he doesn't care that we have 3 chins, 3 dogs, 2 cats, fish, gerbils and hamsters. Just as long as we can still get his 3 guineas!