Arlington TX SPCA bust - General Discussions

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From Dr Brown:

Here is your count..

45 males and 28 females. I know a few of hte chins will be spoken for by least 1 male i know of right now and there may be one or two more. But most are going to your organization as far as i know at this time...

As I said, cage mates that have been getting along can certainly go together but I don't feel that anyone is strongly "bonded" yet. Most of them came from the same place in the Netherlands (I don't have the address but we know they were shipped from Holland from one facility) and I am guessing the two or three we found in bins already there were from the same place as well. They are gorgeous I have to say...mostly greys but some blacks and champagne colors as well. (I don't know the exact names for them)
its hard to tell from the first video but there do appear to be black velvets greys and whites in that particular carrier. I am just repulsed everytime I hear about this.
Holland is actually known for large commercial breeders who produce in volume and supply the pet trade in other countries in Europe as well as in Asia and the Americas. I wouldn't be surprised if many of the small animals in this facility came from Holland.
I remember there being a huge rat operation over there. They where kept in tiny containers all stacked on one another. There had to be thousands and thousands of them. It was like a warehouse. I just can't remember what forum I saw the pics on.
I believe these chins have been seen by a good chin vet. So when we (fosterers or individual people keeping them) do we take them to a vet right away, or wait for a while or what? I don't want to stress them even more if it isn't really nescessary Rick what do you think - you have been around them a little??
I know they are young, but is there any way any of the chins could be pregnant? I would assume Dr. Brown has checked that out, but I just wanted to clarify.

My guess is the champagne colored chins had the issue Minnie did when we first got her - white(ish), but forced to live in dirt and urine for a while. The dinginess causes a yellowish tinge to the fur. Many of the them in the clips looked white to me, but I remember how bad Min was and I remember how long it took to get her back to her natural color.
I brought up the question of pregnancy with Dr Brown. The chins we are dealing with, except for a couple, had arrived the night before the bust. They were housed individually. Outside of being thirsty, there was nothing wrong with them.

After removal, they were caged in same sex pairs. That was where I anticipated potential problems, both in fighting and miss-sexing. Dr Brown assured me there were no problems excepting the bad diet that was corrected.

I am told the chins are clean, healthy and well socialized. We'll see.
I'm actually amazed at how everyone thinks these chins are in horrible condition health wise... In the clips and pics I've seen of chins they all look pretty fat and healthy to me...

As stated just now, and previously the chins haven't been sitting there for weeks and weeks. In the one video you can see them in the carrier, they look alert, curious and not covered in anything gross, and not half dead.

I'm not saying there aren't animals there like that, and I am not saying right or wrong either way, but I'm not sure exactly how many animals they're finding dead and barely alive compared to healthy ones. Even here I have a death rate, anyone who has a large number of animals will, be it from pregnancy, natural deaths, bad feed, bad water, random infection or what ever.

Just my random thought.
I think most of the animals that were in horrible condition were the reptiles and amphibians.
I was just trying to think of why they would look "champagne" colored. Experience with a white that didn't come from great conditions led me to my assumptions, which could have come from urinating in their carriers. You're right, though; all of the pics I have seen of them show them looking alert and healthy. Good thing they were only there for a day or so.

I feel very sorry for the reptiles. Most of them will probably end up euthanized (problems like metabolic bone disease and severe internal parasites aren't usually easily cured, and on such a massive scale I doubt they would even try), and to me that's just sad.
I was wondering if maybe they are beige. I've seen some images posted on here of some beige chins that were pretty light in color, someone that doesn't know chins may describe it as champagne.

Once Rick has them in his position he can solve the mystery of what is a champagne color chin :).
> I was wondering if maybe they are beige.

That was my guess, based on what she said.

I am thinking of building some carriers with double sized holes so as to keep some of the pairs together for the people that can handle bonded pairs. Any thoughts on the matter?
I definately would like bonded pairs if possible because that is what I plan on doing anyway. I find chins mostly do better paired up. I have had VERY little trouble with bonded pairs (especially males). In over 10 years, I have had only 2 'bonded' pairs that did not work out for the new chin parents and had to be separated. I of the pair were brothers - go figure
i would LOVE to have a bonded pair, as i mentioned before. I was going to try to bond them anyway. for me personally, if i was able to bond them i would likely just keep them.
plus it would free up room for me. if you could build a double carrier that would be great!
when you are done, post pix and dimensions.
I'm actually amazed at how everyone thinks these chins are in horrible condition health wise... In the clips and pics I've seen of chins they all look pretty fat and healthy to me...

As stated just now, and previously the chins haven't been sitting there for weeks and weeks. In the one video you can see them in the carrier, they look alert, curious and not covered in anything gross, and not half dead.

I said that from the beginning. I don't see anything wrong at all with the chins, judging from the pictures. I think people are over-reacting and tying anything and everything into the dead reptiles. The chins looked bright eyed and curious in any of the videos or pictures I saw.
I think carriers for bonded pairs would be great, as long as they are tolerant enough toward each other. As long as they don't have room to fight, it would be kind of like using the smoosh method.

One (toward the right if you're facing the pic) looked like a pretty, darker brown chinnie.

To whomever gets him or her: Cadbury is a delightful name!