Arlington TX SPCA bust - General Discussions

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What a mess. Doss is also suspect as an impartial witness. He has a possible financial interest that likely exceeds $135/report day. I wonder how many days that was.

I was just told that there is some redirect tomorrow.
What a mess. Doss is also suspect as an impartial witness. He has a possible financial interest that likely exceeds $135/report day. I wonder how many days that was.

I was just told that there is some redirect tomorrow.
The PETA person worked there for 7 months, assume he worked 5 days a week and turned in a report everyday. He would have made over $20,000 from PETA.

If he turned in 3 reports a week that would be over $12,000.
Don't forget they actually paid him a salary too! Probably plus benefits!
Even at minimum wage, that's another $8000 + !!!
I do not support PETA and never have. Although in this case PETA has done a good deed by exposing this tradgic story despite someone getting paid. One cannot predict what will happen to such a massive rescue operation in terms of "placing" them. Let us pray for the best.

I will be saying blessing upon the animals and those who receive them. And it is wonderful to see how many of us can come together to offer help to those who don't have a voice. I know I've passed many a kitten through my doors and various other wild things who otherwise would not get a chance at life.

If the animals are placed in rescue's or sanctuarys......... someone please let us know so we can offer our financial help if they ask. They may need everything they can get. And lets hope the more exotic animals find homes in zoo's that can take care of them in a proper setting. At this point anything is better then where they came from. ( Sighs )
I don't trust anything PETA is involved in. This guy is not going to make a credible witness, since they believe that an animal is better off dead than kept as a pet.

My question would be, did he withhold care--food and water--from animals to bolster his accusation? How many animals died because he did not help them, when he was clearly in a capacity to do so? He was there over a period of what, 7 months? Were the animals under his specific care ones that ended up dead?
My question would be, did he withhold care--food and water--from animals to bolster his accusation? How many animals died because he did not help them, when he was clearly in a capacity to do so? He was there over a period of what, 7 months? Were the animals under his specific care ones that ended up dead?
This is what I was thinking, it only takes one person to make a slightly sloppy issue into a mountain of mess.

I am very curious to hear the answers when they come up in court.

Anyone have a link to the actual proceedings?
From that document, it shows that the informant witnessed these cruelties in late Nov and early Dec. Well, considering he was there for 7 months, wouldn't you think that the conditions would have been just as bad as when he started as it was at the time of the raid? The USDA inspection report showed that there were no problems in this middle of this year, so something sounds fishy to me. Could this PETA informant have something to do with the wrongful doing of these animals?
Just in from Dr Brown: "Looks like the judge will not rule until Monday. Closing arguments are over now and so we have another weekend to get through"
Update from Dr Brown. The ruling is expected Tuesday. Contrary to what I was told earlier by someone else, there may (likely?) be an appeal if the judgement is against G.E.
If the appeal takes very long, we will need to send more supplies.

All the chins are quite young and there are both sexes.
At this point do we have any information as to how the chins are doing? Are they just being kept and fed? Have they been given any in depth evaluations such as testing for any diseases or parasites they could have picked up from any other animals? I just hope they aren't given back to that company!
Here's what I know from Dr Brown. The chins are young, age unknown but generally in keeping with what would be sold at a pet store. They all appear to healthy and sociable. There were issues with diet. In the begining the chins were getting whatever the volunteers could find in pet stores.The chins are now on Oxbow Cavy Cuisine timothy pellets due to their not eating hay. Since the Oxbow has arrived, they are eating that hay. Two chins were lost due in large part to veggies and fruits given by volunteers. This practice was stopped and the remaining chins are doing ok. They are paired in cages by sex due to lack of space. I don't know how that is going.

There are no guarantees in rescuing these chins. All chins coming to or through my physical location will be checked by our vets. There are full time vets at the facility and Dr Brown is there again for several days. The chins have not been subjected to any indepth testing. By the time we may actually get the chins, enough time will have passed to allay many fears. These chins arrived the night before the bust. They are being held separate from other animals. If any chins are suspected to be ill in any way I will take them. I am not overly concerned with health issues, but I will take basic precautions. Just my opinion.
That's all good to know. Sad that two were lost, I suppose it could have been a lot worse though. Let's just hope that people in authority make some smart decisions soon so these animals can start getting to their forever homes!
The judge ruled that the City of Arlington will get the animals. It
will be a while before we know if they are going to appeal and how
long that will take. If they don't appeal then animals may be
available for adoption later this week.
From Dr Brown:
"It will be a while before they are released because they are now in the appeal process. The lawyers have 10 days from Tuesday to appeal...and then more days for another hearing so we have no idea. Currently they are pressing the judge to shorten the process.

THANKS A MILLIONI For the wood pieces. Not only the chins benefited but the hamsters, gerbils and mice and rats did as well...they were SOOO helpful!
Wow, that hearing file is 1.76 G. I really wish they had broken it up as there are a lot of people out here who do not have the bandwidth to download such large files that may have been curious about the hearing.
Sorry I should have included a warning about the file sizes. These 2 were the versions they sent out to the media for use on TV. They actually might have smaller versions on the PETA Web site.
I downloaded it, and I would say don't download it unless you really just want to get more pissed off. Its still images, video and voice conversation footage between the investigator and the vps. The images and video are of very sick, dead and dieing animals... PETA does have a shorten version on their website of some of the images, but not all of them.