Argh! Craigslist people!!

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I wonder if that woman actually thinks those are chinchillas.. someone should probably contact and let her know that the pets she has are degus. hehehe i giggled when I saw that
Wow! That's a bit disturbing that they don't even know what they have!

I sent her/him and email and told her/him that her "Chinchillas" were actually Degus. And that I hope she finds a great home for them. Doesn't really do any good to be rude does it? LOL
BAHAAHAHAHAAAAA teen chinchillas.. thats so sad I wonder if they have been feeding them chin food and such.....oh gosh

wanted chinchilla (north jersey)

Date: 2010-04-21, 11:47PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

i am looking for a chinchlla, one of my friends had one and i thought it was the cutest thing, and now i have to have one. If anyone is looking to rehome theirs please contact me.

..ohhh you want a chinchilla cause they're cute. sure i'll send mine over right away! for free too, no problem! ughh this made me mad.
HAHAHA. wow. yeah let me just ship it in a box with degu food... wouldnt know the difference anyway
I wonder if that woman actually thinks those are chinchillas.. someone should probably contact and let her know that the pets she has are degus. hehehe i giggled when I saw that

I've seen them listed before in California, and there's a reason they're listed as chins and not degus. Chinchillas are legal in California. Degus are "restricted" and cannot be kept without a permit from the USDA. Thus, people get creative knowing that Fish and Game will not look for chins but will sometimes contact those breeding any of the "restricted" species (ferrets, gerbils, hedgehogs, degus, etc.).

It's impossible to know whether this person knows they're degus or not, but I'd be surprised if someone in the sales chain didn't know and didn't intentionally re-name them to try to avoid any problems. So there is method to their madness.
I sent her an email. It went like this:
"Those 'mini chinchillas' you have are actually Degus. They are two completely different animals, with completely different needs, that live in totally separate parts of the world.
This is a chinchilla:

This is a Degu: (What you have)

How on earth did you get 3 degus, under the impression that they are chinchillas?"
One day, one of my students came into class (I teach seventh grade) and told me she had traded her cat to her neighbor for a chinchilla. I was appalled at the idea, but I let it go. A few days later, she told me she thought her chinchillas was sick. She pointed at the pictures I keep behind my desk of my girls and said, "Mine MUST be sick because she don't looking anything like that" (I teach English, so this statement hurt my soul). I immediately pulled up a picture of a degu and asked her if this is what her "chinchilla" looked like. She squealed, "Yeah, that's her! What is that?" I explained to her it was a degu, and she decided right then that she didn't want her anymore. I took little Chili in, and she is now in her happy, permanent home with a degu-savvy member of the forum.

I looked online because I had NO idea how someone could mix up a chinchilla with a degu, and I found a website that was advertising them as "mini-chinchillas." Why would someone do that? I know that they eat a similar diet, though not identical, and that they both bathe in dust, but they look NOTHING alike... degus look more like giant gerbils!

Check out the site below:
She pointed at the pictures I keep behind my desk of my girls and said, "Mine MUST be sick because she don't looking anything like that" (I teach English, so this statement hurt my soul).
My reaction to the first part of the sentence went something like this::
But when I read your parenthesis, I decided my reaction should be more...:laughitup: ;] Thanks for the laugh! :rofl:
I sent her an email. It went like this:
"Those 'mini chinchillas' you have are actually Degus. They are two completely different animals, with completely different needs, that live in totally separate parts of the world.
This is a chinchilla:

This is a Degu: (What you have)

How on earth did you get 3 degus, under the impression that they are chinchillas?"

Aren't chins and degus both native to Chile?

I've seen one or two Craigslist ads which claimed that the degus for sale were "chinchillas". I guess I can understand the idea of not calling them "degus" if they're not allowed where you live (not that I agree with it, necessarily). Some people really are just clueless, though!
So they really are being advertised as "mini chinchillas" then!? That explains the advertisement then. Still, what a way to confuse people; shouldn't be allowed b/c there's enough real confusion in the world without creating more. :impatient:
Oh this is one that takes the cake:

and in case she deletes it:

I take in chinchillas from fur farms andniglectfull homes, train them and sell them to new happy owners. I have been using my own money for 5 years now. however i am disabled and resently my health has become very poor. I am almost out of food and supplies for the 12 chinchillas I am houseing right now. And I have not sold one in 2 months, which is the money i use to buy food for the rest of them.

most things can be bought from bulk barn.

I am asking for anything people can offer:
-hampster food
-wood shaviongs , not pine or ceder as they are harmfull
-dried veggis and fruit slices
-shelled nutts
-apple tree sticks
-parot chew toys

will also take petsmart guift cards!

if you can help please email me or call lisa at 519

check out my websites at: http:
// ...... momey from crafts go's to the chins care
yeesh! though this person means well, its just ridiculous how uneducated people are about chinchillas. The chinchillas pictured on the website do not appear in bad condition though. Someone really need to give this person a talking to. Really? training them to walk outside on a harness? And it also seems like a 10 year old wrote the site. :banghead:
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One of the things I find scary, is that she claims to have been doing this for 5 years. I've only had Kiwi for 2 years, and in the first 5 minutes of my research before we got her I know that hamster food, dried fruit and nuts, are a huge no-no for chins. It wouldn't take much for a cat or dog to chase down the poor little chin in the video, I think it's sad to watch the poor little thing run back to their owner terrified, and then the owner moves away? I don't think a prey animal can enjoy running around in a big open space, with no shelter. The whole thing just upsets me, has no one heard of common sense? Agghhhh!!!:hair:
Huh that's funny, that's the same stock chinchilla photo from EVERYWHERE. That chinchilla must model then.

Here's and infuriating post from my local...I have been seriously tempted to go get this guy, because I feel so bad for him.
"Waldo is a male chinchilla he's 13, with fluffy grey fur. He loves to roam around the house when you let him out and will play nicely with other pets. I enjoyed having him but am getting older and he needs a new loving home. I'd be willing to include food, cage, water, etc along with him"

1. He is WAY too skinny.
2. YOU WANT TO REHOME A CHINCHILLA YOU'VE HAD FOR 12 OR 13 YEARS BECAUSE YOU'RE GETTING OLDER?? What, did your parents buy it for you as a kid and now it's time to throw him away with all your barbies??

Oh god, Brittany can you please? He needs to find a good home if I were in that area I would swoop him up STAT. God I feel so awful for that poor guy please someone do something! I'm in California so I can't but Aah!
I am so upset over that... I can't even stress it, way more than I thought I would be.
I could never do that to my babies

Chinchilla and Cage - $200
Date: 2010-04-28, 1:23PM PDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

We have a gray female chin that is a little more than 2 years old and a 3 level cage for sale that would also come with some wood chips, an alfalfa bale, and some chin food. She is current on all her shots and last seen a vet about 3 months ago and he said she was healthy. We don't give her the attention we want to because we have a 2 year old son that is our world. We'd like her to go to a good home to someone that will love her and want to

Did I miss the "Chinnies need rabies shots and deworming" thread?