Argh! Craigslist people!!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Here's a winner. I'm not sure at what point they quit breeding due to inadequate space, but I fear purchasing a few (who may obviously be pregnant by immediate family members) may just lead to less over-crowding and thus more breeding and inbreeding within the colony.

Chinchilla's Male and Female - $25 (petaluma)
Date: 2010-03-26, 9:41AM PDT
Reply to:

We have a bunch of Chinchilla's that are over breeding the cage they are in. You must prove to us you know how to raise them and show us your cage they will live in. We will give you as many your cage will hold. If you like, you may come over and pick out what you like, and see how they play and live. We only ask $25.00 each. We are located in Petaluma, next to the airport. Send me your phone number, and I will return your calls. Will post pics later..

That makes me want to vomit...I would call animal control if I were closer - if they are "over breeding the cage" I wonder how clean it is...
oh god thats so awful!! I wished I lived anywhere near there so I could take them all away. that makes me really sick.
This isn't a chinchilla but it litterally made me yell "OH MY F****** GOD!" at the top of my lungs.

You don't have money, yet, you want a puppy??? Uhm hello, puppies cost money. Food, shots, checkups, toys, back surgery WHEN your doxie needs it, etc. is NOT free by any means. I would think they would want to use what little money they have for their kids. Jeeze.
I want a new Corvette. I don't have any real income besides what I can scratch up after I spend everythings I makes buying food for the chins. But, I would REALLY like a new Corvette...and I don't have the money to buy it myself. LOL Anyone? Want to give me a new car? :D Come on now, I REALLY want one!!!

That CL ad makes me angry, Brittney! I hope that no one gives them a doggie.
Here's another winner -- a wanted ad.

Date: 2010-03-31, 2:30PM PDT
Reply to:

I'm hoping to start hobby breeding chinchillas I have two already but would like to get 4 more. I'm interested in many colors but I'm mainly interested in violets and black velvets. I would like to find one standard v/c male, violet female, a black velvet female and a extra dark ebony or beige female. It's very important that they are friendly because I want them to enjoy spending time with me as much as I will with them.
I emailed that person...hopefully she'll come to a show and get started on the right foot if she really wants to breed. This is exactly why I don't search CL...I'd be picking up chins left and right, lol.
I am selling half of my chinchillas.

She should be giving them all away, or better yet, paying someone to take the poor things. :puke:
My area isn't much better:

Date: 2010-04-10, 12:47PM PDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

Two female chinchillas that are almost four years old now. They come with a two story cage, a small house, food tray and a water bottle already attached. I also have an outdoor pen with cover and a dust bath container. They are very low maintenance pets.

Low maintenance? Sounds great!! :thumbsup:
Not chins, but occasionally I do get a giggle out of CL.

It's what kind of dog?
Forgive me if this is not the proper forum but I'm wondering....I've seen certain dogs listed here and there that cost between 200 and 625-
Shia poo, shih pom, doxi poo, pomchi, and my 2 favorites....Shiffon and Chorkie (what?) and who only knows what else is mixed up in there. Does anyone else remember when these kinds of dogs used to be called mutts and you could get one for free?

I am going to make up my own breed and charge a small fortune for it. Like a Rottapittyshipoopamachine.

Just a thought- CL police- time to flag!
Not chins, but occasionally I do get a giggle out of CL.

It's what kind of dog?
Forgive me if this is not the proper forum but I'm wondering....I've seen certain dogs listed here and there that cost between 200 and 625-
Shia poo, shih pom, doxi poo, pomchi, and my 2 favorites....Shiffon and Chorkie (what?) and who only knows what else is mixed up in there. Does anyone else remember when these kinds of dogs used to be called mutts and you could get one for free?

I am going to make up my own breed and charge a small fortune for it. Like a Rottapittyshipoopamachine.

Just a thought- CL police- time to flag!

hahahaha that is so great! at least someone on there has a sense of humor!
craigs list people crack me up.

my fiance' sells stuff on there, mostly quads, dirtbikes, anything mechanical. he buys them broken, fixes them and sells them. right now he has a dune buggy and so far we have had offers, instead or plus cash, of a flat screen tv, waverunner, pickup truck, old car.......I just want the cash!! people have offered him jewelery, purebred dogs, electronics. its hilarious.