Are you lazy? Tell the truth!

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
Please be really honest!

Do you leave empty ice cube trays in the refrigerator or leave two of them in the ice bucket because you know someone else will fill them?!

Do you leave what appears to be enough shampoo left in the bottom of the bottle when in fact it's only enough to coat the bottle but not make it to the spout, therefore rendering it useless?!

Do you leave 1/8 inch of lemonade in the pitcher because hey! 1/8 inch isn't empty therefore when it's empty new lemonade should be made?
I'm guilty of throwing my clothes on the floor when the laundry hamper is about 5 feet away...when I get home from work or going out I just want to get out of my scrubs and into comfy clothes ASAP!
wish i could be lazy but being a single mom for many years, if i dont do dont get done!
but do i come home and lounge on the couch & watch csi while my son is riding his bike or scooter in the neighborhood............uh heck yeah!
Honestly, I am "selectively" lazy! I am not guilty of any of the items you listed as we have an automatic ice maker and we don't make lemonade. :p I'd be only dissing myself on the shampoo bottle issue as well. But what I'm guilty of IS going anywhere near the dirty dishes! I will literally put my imaginary blinders on until they are all magically put in the dishwasher and I could just fill it with detergent and turn it on.
I do none of those things, but as I am fond of saying when my sister calls me lazy, "That's right -- NOBODY does nothing better than me"!!! :thumbsup: (I submitted it online for my 6 word epitaph!!!)

It makes her crazy that I own it and I'm proud of it!!!
im SOOO lazy that i procrastinated cleaning my room. it got to the point where the only clean spot was my bed. so naturally...i stayed in my room, only to get up for food and bathroom.

hey...i had just graduated, im entitled to a week of laziness, right?!?! lol
I'm a single mom, too, so if I don't do won't get done. BUT, I don't like the toilet paper roll always empty, drinks left with one sip left in them, kitty boxes needing done when it's not my day, an overly full garbage that needs taken out, laundry that is done and stacked, but not put in it's place, blinds not being closed after dark unless I do it...etc. :) Oh, and the shampoo thing...grrr. :)
I would agree with selectively lazy... at home, I like to lay in my bed on my laptop and not do anything productive. But at work I am a workaholic, and when I choose to be productive, I work really hard. But I am very low maintenance... so if I don't have to do my hair and put on makeup, I choose to look like crap so that I can spend that extra half hour in bed lol.
Garbage is a big one here. I actually sit and watch it, to see just how high the boys will really pile it. I think it was once about a foot and a half above the can before I finally blew a gasket and they picked it up.

I hate wrappers on the counter, straws on the floor, empty boxes in the cupboard, the genius who leaves empty ice cream treat boxes in the freezer, a thimblefull of milk, no toilet paper, a trail of clothes with nobody in them, as though someone had a nuclear meltdown on the way up the stairs.

I also hate shoes in the middle of the entry way, dishes/utensils/cups/cans shoved under the couch or loveseat, a soaking wet shower curtain because the boys are too lazy to pull it INside of the shower.

The list is endless.................

And no, I don't do any of those things myself. If it's 4 a.m. when I go to bed and there are dishes in the sink, they get done. Clothes get picked up, desks cleaned off, counters wiped down. I vacuum every single night before I lay down, no matter if it is at 11 p.m. (pfft) or 4 a.m.
I can't be lazy. I wish I could...but I am married to a giant pig, who never cleans up anything and makes the hugest messes you have ever seen. If I got lazy and didn't do everything that needs to be done every day, the whole house would be unlivable. I try to make it fun...the game I play constantly is called "pick up and put it away." I have to make sure that there are extra bottles of shampoo and everything else because if I don't make sure that things we need are here, no one will. I am the only thing that stands between order and chaos. someone around you really lazy?
I just get it done and over with because im too lazy to do it all at once when they pile up.

Like Im too lazy to go to the closet and hang my work uinform up. So I brought hangers in the bathroom and I hang them up and on the towel rack. And since Im too lazy to iron, I let the steam from my shower unwrinkle them. And I take my shoes off by my breakfast table and leave it by my purse. But thats so when I leave for work I dont forget to put the right shoes on.

I am guilty of laundry being left in the dryer for a couple days. Or if the dogs chew my sock.. Instead of picking it up I leave it. But I do that so they continue playing with the one ruined sock, rather than go and get a new one.

And I HATE mowing my grass.. I rather give mom $10 and a candy bar per cut. funny thing is, I walk next to her the whole time.

AND! I really want a roomba so I dont have to vacuum everyday. So then I can add that to my list of laziness.

ETA: I cant be lazy about the toilet paper. I HAVE to refill the roll. I live alone so if I dont refill it Im literally S.O.L. And I HATE going to peoples houses and looking around for a roll. Just the other night I had to call my mom AND fathers cells phones because I was stuck without paper at their house and they were outside in the truck. My dad one time made me pay him $5 as a kid for a new roll.. And thought it was funny that I had no choice but to give it to him. I think that is when I learned to make sure there was paper on the roll.

ETAx2: Totally OT but speaking of toilet paper.. I HATE when people dont take the time to see which way its going. I hate having the paper go under. I have to have it over. And when at other peoples houses I change it for them.
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I must admit, growing up I started doing things around the house at a very young age because I was the oldest girl. My mom worked and went to school full time, my dad was here and worked so I helped them out A LOT. I was cooking, doing laundry, etc at the age of 8. Did my siblings help...heck No.
So since its just me and my sister and parents here, my mom no longer works or goes to school (has ms and got to bad for both of those things), I do as little as a I can. lol
I do my laundry, take care of my pets, and clean my room when I feel like it. Heck, the chins room is cleaner and more organized than I could dream of mine being. lol

But yes I'm lazy, but selectively, as someone else said

Garbage is a big one here. I actually sit and watch it, to see just how high the boys will really pile it. I think it was once about a foot and a half above the can before I finally blew a gasket and they picked it up.

I hate wrappers on the counter, straws on the floor, empty boxes in the cupboard, the genius who leaves empty ice cream treat boxes in the freezer, a thimblefull of milk, no toilet paper, a trail of clothes with nobody in them, as though someone had a nuclear meltdown on the way up the stairs.

I also hate shoes in the middle of the entry way, dishes/utensils/cups/cans shoved under the couch or loveseat, a soaking wet shower curtain because the boys are too lazy to pull it INside of the shower.

The list is endless.................

And no, I don't do any of those things myself. If it's 4 a.m. when I go to bed and there are dishes in the sink, they get done. Clothes get picked up, desks cleaned off, counters wiped down. I vacuum every single night before I lay down, no matter if it is at 11 p.m. (pfft) or 4 a.m.

I'm starting to think that this (above) is a boy thing. My brothers used to do the same thing. :laughitup:
speaking of toilet paper.. I HATE when people dont take the time to see which way its going. I hate having the paper go under. I have to have it over. And when at other peoples houses I change it for them.

I do this too!!! lol. So glad I'm not the only one!
I am also an over in both toilet paper and paper towelling! Great minds think alike!

I have to do it over too with the paper towels. If not when I go to rip it off I get a tube of paper towel flying at my face.
I'm selectively lazy. Dishes will sit there until someone... my hubby, fills the dish washer. I will wash them by hand before I could be bothered with the dishwasher.

I seem to be the only person that knows how to replace the toilet paper roll. Most of the time there will be two sheets left on the roll and I've gotten into the habit of reaching into the cupboard and using it off a new roll in the bag just to try and force others to have to change it. :hilarious: I agree with you Mel, toilet paper has to roll over.
Solved all my problems by living alone. I pick it up after I use it - and amazingly the house stays clean ALL THE TIME! :dance3:

So nice not to have roommates/housemates.

If I do a lot of cooking I'll sometimes leave big dishes/pots until I have time on the weekend. Never more than three days though, they start to stink.
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