Anyone else play Frontierville?

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I logged into today to learn we aren't getting as much energy from horses and mules coming up! and you can sell them to earn one horseshoe! I had to pay 30 horse shoes for the 3 horses I have thank you very much giving me one back for them stinks! Not to mention my son, Kale, is going to be a rodeo star so we have to have those horses. I've also noticed no more prairie piles from my mules. Before when I feed them I got at least 1 prairie pile from the 5 I have now I get squat!
Laurie, how many prairie piles do you have already? I had heard you could only have 10 at a time. I had 10 and once I traded in the collection a couple times, I got more. Not sure if that's how it works, but might be worth a try.
Has anyone purchased a red crate? I got a red quail out of mine :thumbsup:
Well that explains it Laura! I have 10 and try to always keep ten piles lol! Geez Crysta quit complaining about not customizing your shop mine isn't even built yet! I bought some fall leaves and such but where are my fall maple trees? It would be nice if we could plant some of those!
I finally got my land all expanded and got to open my mystery animals. I got the brown hedgehog and the brown owl. I'm so excited!!! :bliss:

Just had to share.
I didn't get pink animals!!!!!!! yay!!!! I got a blue hedgie(the only way i can have a hedgie since in pa they are only legal if parents were from pa and finding one is impossible) and a night owl :)
I'm not selling back my horses. I know as soon as I do, they'll come out with some "buy 10 horses" mission. :hair:
I'm still working on my tailor mission, if I can get a few clicks, THANKS! :hallow2:
Mozilla has been working slower than molasses for me and Google Chrome keeps crashing so Frontierville has been a PITA this past week! I'm still on the tailor mission as well--hopefully one day I'll be able to make some fancy duds!
GAH! I am caught in an endless loop of "game needs to be refreshed". It's the end of the mission where I need to kill the headless horseman. The chick pops up, I have to click on her, and then it pops up saying it needs to refresh. I've tried 7 times. :(
Oh, I've stopped. I can't play at all anymore until they get this figured out. It will not let me play the game. Every time it loads, since it's in this particular spot, it brings bring up the refresh message, and every time it refreshes it does it again. :(
Crysta, I had the same issue with the toll mission, it took about a week for it to get worked out. Hopefully it won't take that long for the Halloween mission.
I was also having the same issue as someone else (Laurie?) was having with the red areas staying around even after I killed a varmit. I figured out you have to log out and then log back on- then they turn to ghosts and you clobber them.
I'm also at a standstill. I need to clobber 3 groundhog ghosts before I can proceed any further, but the darn things won't pop up anywhere. I've tried corn, wheat, sunflowers & peanuts and still no groundhogs.
Also, my graveyard & coffins aren't animated like everyone else's :(
Did I mention that I'm pathetically addicted to FrontierVille?:frank:
any clue how to trick or treat? I click on the icon at my neighbors and nothing happens. The game is loading very slow for me. I have no idea how I'll complete the graveyard as I don't see me getting the hessian hat.

I'd like to do the trick or treat and just can't figure it out! arg!
Laurie you need to click on the person whos homestead you are visiting or thier spouse or kids. It gives you the option to trick or treat then.

And I'm having the same issue as Crysta with the refreshing crap today!

And whoever is having the no groundhog issue: make absolutely sure there is none hiding on your frontier! I had the same issue till I figured they were there I just couldn't find them til I started moving things around. Esspecially in the red areas. They are buggers!!
duh Pam I figured it out! I swear they may have sucked some of my brain out with the hostile uterus lol! I completed most everything, got the headless horseman costume for Kale, my son, and he looks cute as heck! Now if I could just get some help with my catering orders in Cafe World that would be great!