ADVICE NEEDED on a 3 1/2 hour chin road trip

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I am going to visit my brother this weekend who lives around 3 1/2 hours away from me. There is a chinchilla breeder about 20 minutes from his house that I will possibly be getting a chinchilla from.

I have a cage that is around 2ft wide and 3ft long so it will fit in the back seat of my car. I also have a tiny chinchilla carrier that he would fit in. I assume that I should bring the large one.

I will have a food bowl, water bottle, apple wood, hiding tunnel, marble slab, and hammock in there. Do I need anything else? The car has A/C but should I bring anything else to help keep him cool? Should I put a sheet over the cage in case there is any sunlight?

Thanks for any advice. I just want to make sure the chinchilla can handle the car ride.
When traveling in the car, a chin should be in a small carrier, not a huge cage because if you were to get into an accident, there would be a larger risk of the chin getting hurt by flying around the cage if there's tons of room.

When I was in college, I would drive with my chins home and back to school 5 hours one way, so it really isn't a big deal. Most chins sleep the whole way.

I just put a bit of shavings or a fleece liner in the carrier, some hay for them to munch on and a couple chew toys (like twigs). You don't need water for that short amount of time, but if you are worried you can bring the water bottle along and offer it to them at a rest stop. Don't leave it on the cage or carrier as it will leak when the car bumps around and then you'll have a wet chin.

You wouldn't need to cover the carrier with anything, the chin will be fine. Just make sure it's cool enough in the car when you put the chin in there, so maybe start the car and run the a/c for a bit before you get in.
Yep, I agree with Allie, you need a small carrier, and it is not a big deal. I like to bring a few frozen water bottles or ice packs to put under half the cage to help keep them cool.
thanks for clearing that up.

I just didn't know if he would be more comfortable in a larger cage, but it makes sense if I were to get into an accident.
the trip to chinchilla shows can take a lot more than 3 hours and chinchillas do well doing that. They will be fine going three hours. Keep the car cool. Throw some hay in and use the smaller carriers. Much safer than risking them being bounced around in the cage. No water unless you stop for a bit, it will just leak out onto your new chinchilla
When I picked my chinchilla up from the vet, I drove around with her in the car for most of the day, because I had to work (I work from my car), in the area where the vet's office is. She was in a small show cage, with a chinchiller, and a very small piece of fleece. That way she could keep herself comfy temperature wise. Also, I would really not recommend putting a food bowl in, because they seem to just toss the food everywhere. Finally, put a towel or a blanket under the cage to make poo clean-up at the end of the trip easier;) Hope your trip goes well.
Oh yes, the towel for under the carrier and for out of the front of it is a good idea. If you put shavings in the carrier the chin will push some of them out the front opening and it makes the clean up much quicker. I've never had luck with offering water during breaks, you are probably going to have the same problem. Shavings and Timothy hay are all they need. I've done much longer trips and haven't ever run into any problems. Be ready for the errant squaks and sqeeks because they do call out now and again, but for the most part they will just sleep. As for noise, as long as there's nothing that they can get stuck in and or hurt with inside the carrier, it's most likely just going to be calling for it's buddies during the ride home. Good luck - Jessica
Thanks for the advice everyone.. Small carrier with hay and bedding it is! I'm excited to hopefully be getting another chin!
I'm glad I found this thread! I'm going up to my dad's place for the weekend plus a few days, and I need to bring the boys with me because there's nobody around that I trust enough to watch them for me. :rolleyes: I'm a worried mommy...
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