Thank YOU to everyone for coming, and to everyone who donated to the raffles, and to everyone who helped set up and clean up and work the show. I was amazed at how well everything went - the awards table and awards official, the registration table, lunch, the banquet, the classification and animal handling, the baby derby, the raffles - absolutely everyone did a fantastic job helping out. Thanks also to our vendors for coming!
It was nice seeing everyone again and meeting new people (Brandy, Amy, Rhonda, Manny and family!).
And I can't not mention the AMAZING dessert spread we had for lunch. =D
I fell asleep with a smile on my face last night.
Ange got the Bob Myers award winners right. I'll get the rest of the show results sent to me soon, all I can remember is Ryersons took Grand Show, Britt's Chins took reserve, and Silkrhein had reserve champion female with a monster violet.
As for the raffles, Ange got that garden basket from Crissy with the incredibly cute squirrel that I wanted. =p Christiane won Juanita's blanket. Monika won the cage from Martin's. I got the wine glasses from Tiffany, and quite a few other things. =D
Also looking forward to seeing more photos, I didn't get a chance to take very many. All I got were a few of the raffles and desserts. =) I'll get those up soon.