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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Narcissus

    HELP. Missing Fur on a Baby.

    Looks like the kids are fighting to me. Watch them carefully!
  2. Narcissus

    Rescued a Chin that looks terrible.

    If she is needing too gain weight I would take the chin spin out. She needs to be gaining calories, not running then off.
  3. Narcissus


    Keep the critical care. It is good to have in case of emergency
  4. Narcissus

    You Know You're A Chinchilla Owner When...

    When you are being intimate with your spouse and you take your bra off all seductive like... to find out you have a chin poo stuck to your skin. When your wedding a hoodie sweater and your waking through wal Mart... you reach in your hoodie pocket to get your wallet and you pull out a piece of...
  5. Narcissus

    EMERGENCY! Need temporary "Babysitter"

    Contact a local vet. Sometimes the interns will foster animals... maybe they can help.
  6. Narcissus


    You just get the baby gas drops from the grocery store... they have a dropper in them.
  7. Narcissus


    My opinion would be to give him simethicone (baby gas drops). Give one full dropper three times a day, ormore. I would pick up some critical care and start force feeding him 25cc 4 times a day. Also, weigh him once a week (get a gram scale if you don't already have one). Monitor his weight. If...
  8. Narcissus

    What color is my chin?

    i agree. if her belly isn't white, but the same color as her top she is a tan
  9. Narcissus


    I would wait until you have had him for at least 6 months. Chins grow until they ate over a year old.
  10. Narcissus

    2014 West Coast MCBA Show

    oh my god i can not wait!!!!! im gonna start looking for hotels!!! whoo hoo!!
  11. Narcissus

    Selling diseased animals

    Kiss this- you are doing amazing work! I was able to hear you speak at the California show and I must say you are brilliant! I look forward to more information!
  12. Narcissus

    Weird behavior

    were you supervising his playtime? He could have gotten hurt somehow.
  13. Narcissus

    Whats your opinion on...

    my brother had a parrot that he took every where. it was very tame and loved being handled. For 10 years he took the parrot in the car, outside, in stores.. literately everywhere. then one time he was walking out of pet co with the bird on his shoulder and a motorcycle drove by, it was very...
  14. Narcissus

    water question!!!

    I've been told that distilled water isn't good for chins. I use reverse osmosis water. I have a filter on my sink
  15. Narcissus

    Bed or Saucer? you decide!

    no wheel is better than an improper one.... that is just my opinion
  16. Narcissus


    I also use bag balm on my chins. You can pick it up in just about any farm store. It really helps with dry skin on human hands and feet too. :)
  17. Narcissus

    hi from utah

    welcome to the forum! Im in Pocatello Idaho so I'm not to far away! If you need anything don't be affraid to ask!
  18. Narcissus

    Chocolate or a poorly colored ebony?

    I've heard of ebonies being born with brown tips on their fur and then as they grow they get a very nice clarity.... so im gonna say ebony
  19. Narcissus

    I just don't understand my one Chins behavior.. help!

    all chins are different... as you have noticed. i have a couple that are very independent, they only like to be touched when they want to be. Any other time you can go near them. For me personally, a long as my chins are fed, watered and have everything they need i dont worry to much about...
  20. Narcissus

    How far is reasonable to travel to a vet?

    my personal opinion is that no distance is to far. For minor things i would go to a vet close to you. For anything that requires more knowledge that i go to whatever distance i have to in order to get proper care. i personally treat my animals like my children, i take my kids to a doctor close...