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House Hobo
Aug 23, 2013
Outside of KC, MO.
It's been really really cold here, and of course running the heater inside makes it dry as all get out. I've noticed that both Nibbs and Kolchak's feet are a little dry and cracked, what can I put on them to make sure that they stay healthy and not start going into bumble foot or chapped feet?
On my chinchillas, I like to use Bag Balm. I find that it worked really good for one of my chinchillas that had bumble foot. I'm not 100 percent positive where you can get it in the US,because I live in Canada, but maybe someone else can tell you where you can get it in the US.
I also use bag balm on my chins. You can pick it up in just about any farm store. It really helps with dry skin on human hands and feet too. :)