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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2013
My chin Charlie weighs 348 grams is that a good weight? Got him at petsmart they said he was 4-5 months old but you know how they are they don't know
I had a chin born about 3 weeks ago. He was born at 53g and is now over 110g. 350g is what I would consider a heathy 2-3 month old chin. But remember this. All chins are different. I have some full grown at 500g and some over 800g. There are plenty of chins over 1,000g. As long as he is eating and drinking and his poo looks fine then he is ok.

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Pet stores don't know the ages of the chins they get in. They make guesses, usually a age a customer wants to hear. Chins vary in size. Adults can be anywhere from 450 to 1000 grams. As long as he is eating and pooping fine and not loosing weight he is fine.
Ok I just receive his chin spin from ups should I use it or wait until he is a good weight
Chin spin I got today man it is big. So do I wait until he gets bigger or can I put it in now? He weighs 348grams
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My girls have wheels but I monitor their weights weekly until 1 year and monthly after that. If you give it to him and he continues to gain, since he is young, he's fine. But if he loses or stops gaining for a few weeks, I would take it away.
Just weighed him again and now weighs 354 grams so he has gained some weight
I wouldn't give it to him untill you have had him for 6 months. That will ensure he is 6 months old at least. he will be ok with out a wheel, but if he is to young it could cause problems for him.
Charlie is up to 418g. Do you think we can put his wheel in now or wait a little longer
I would wait until you have had him for at least 6 months. Chins grow until they ate over a year old.
Ok we put Charlie's wheel in his cage last month and he has gain weight was 470g Now is 502g. Yay keeping wheel in

God Is Good And His Love Last Forever
Ok as of today Yoshi weighs 722g.
Is that a good number

God Is Good And His Love Last Forever
I was told to wait until they are at least 600g before giving them a wheel/saucer, so that's what I'm planning to do.... so if Yoshi is over 700g I think you're good :)