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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. kerri101

    Food - The Great Debate.

    I feed oxbox since I am able to get it local now even the big chain pet stores are selling it....I only have one chin so the cost is not considerable even if I add another chin one day when I am ready I will use oxbow good food and easily available I used to use mazuri no problems but they...
  2. kerri101

    Help me please

    I agree having your mom involved would be great and its very good that you are doing all this research before you decide on getting a chinchilla!!! they can live 15-20 years so a lot of time is involved and planning and having the right materials is an important researching the way...
  3. kerri101

    Reviews on Infomercials

    my kids bought the bump it.....but it kept falling out and then you could see the silly plastic piece....we also tried the oxyclean powder....and when I used that even if you wipe a brand new clean thing down it will leave the rag grimy like you wiped it in dirt...I swear there is something in...
  4. kerri101

    Hello from a NWI new chinchilla owner

    hello and welcome !!! looking forward to seeing your chin!
  5. kerri101

    wow preparing wood is TIME consuming share your experiences!!

    I wish I had people who did this live closer to me ....we could all get together and have wood cleaning/trimming /baking parties LOL them maybe if we all did it together it would be funner !!!
  6. kerri101

    wow preparing wood is TIME consuming share your experiences!!

    I know I was def worried about that I have been over obsessing and I think making myself INSANE over scrub times...looking at each piece of wood to make sure its safe ect ect but I must say after seeing my buckets of soon to be finished product I cant help but feel like I have done something I...
  7. kerri101

    Chin Crying

    definitely trying to get there way !!!! Mine barks to summon me to her cage door at times !
  8. kerri101

    wow preparing wood is TIME consuming share your experiences!!

    yes I am all for paying I will pay for some now and do small projects! OHHH MY I saw your wood and I am floored That is a LOT of wood faint!!!!!!!!!!
  9. kerri101

    wow preparing wood is TIME consuming share your experiences!!

    Yup agree buying prepared wood is soooo much easier !!!! I finally after 6 hours got some twigs.......the oven bake was long as well luckily the heat here has gone down to 50 degrees at night so I baked while it was cool...I did get exercise which is good but am now looking at the huge pile that...
  10. kerri101

    wow preparing wood is TIME consuming share your experiences!!

    OHhh noooo LOL that is crazy none of the 5 liked it!!! I know that is why I started with a small batch of twigs.....if my chin-chin likes it then I will move on to some toy materials for her as we speak shes chibbling away on willow... fingers crosses the birch is something she likes I agree the...
  11. kerri101

    Treat Help

    Also some oats will do not the slow quick cook and ready ones but the long cook oats they have them in the grocery ....I usually eat them myself too!
  12. kerri101

    wow preparing wood is TIME consuming share your experiences!!

    Phew...I have been hounding my S.O. for weeks....I harvested two small birch trees ....and carried them down the hill all alone...they was heavy!!! cut the tree in sections that I wanted for different things....started with twigs chews. inspection..scrubbing ...boiling ...baking OH MY TAKES SO...
  13. kerri101

    Big hay problem

    yup my chin will pull hay all day long if she could many others chins will do the same thing its crazy but I also found loose hay gives her something to do and forage through so i don't mind the waste
  14. kerri101

    Holy Crap!

    OH WOW what amazing work that is so realistic just amazing!!!!!!!
  15. kerri101

    Chinchilla in the driver's seat?

    That is to funny for some reason when ever I see or hear of raisins my mind goes on autopilot and thinks about chinchilla lol!!!
  16. kerri101

    HELP - Injured kit

    Im sorry the baby chin is hurt !!!!will keep baby chin in my thoughts
  17. kerri101

    New Chinchilla not eating toy/chew.

    definitely try sticks....the sticks though you buy in the store with the one exception of the willow ware brand will be overpriced....( some stores sell 6 TINY apple sticks for five dollars!) these are the only sticks I will buy from stores because they are decent priced..and like others said...
  18. kerri101

    new chin

    hes very curious and getting used to his new environment congrats on your new chin!!! when I first brought my chin home she would run to the door what I did was since she was new was to place here in her carrier while I did cage cleaning, another thing to do is to place some chew sticks or a...
  19. kerri101

    Hate seeing chins that owners don't know how to care for

    totally agree myself included...before I had kids I researched and my pets are all loved as much too( we didnt have a computer then so did books instead lol) definitely should have researched before my spur purchase...(but she just was sitting there and I swear I was pulled to her ) ... would...
  20. kerri101

    Hate seeing chins that owners don't know how to care for

    Sometimes improper care can happen from lack of knowledge or bad information...I bought my chin from a dirty pet store spur of the moment....if I listened to everything the man said who didn't even know the sex of the chin and told me to feed her fruit and raisins in the super fruit mix she came...