Hello from a NWI new chinchilla owner

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Chin lover!!!!
Jun 14, 2012
Merrillville, IN.
Hello all! My name is Meredith. I bought my first male baby chinchilla Gin and am totally in love with him. I was looking on google for information regarding chinchillas for all different questions I had about my new addition to my family. I found this site and was thrilled by all the great information that was available and the community attitude everyone had and wanted to be a part of it! I've been doing tons of research for years but I'm psyched that I finally have a community to pose other queries that pop up regarding my chins. I hope to become a hobby breeder and am really looking forward to all the experience that the people in this forum have. Thank you for letting me join!
hello and welcome !!! looking forward to seeing your chin!