Treat Help

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2012
I havent had time to run and get treats so i was wondering what i could use instead of raisins and stuff.....
raisins are not good for chins. better treats are plain cherrios, rosehips, and plain shredded wheat. chins dont need treats, just good quality pellets, fresh hay, and fresh water. but if your going to give treats, one a day is more than enough.
If you search raisins on the board here you'll see lots of topics here about them. The general consensus is they're not good for your Chinnie. Way to high in sugar content. I believe I saw somewhere they can cause bloat if overfed as well. Secondly, Chins don't "need" treats. Hay, fresh clean water, pellets, and wood to chew and they're good. If your Chinnie is use to a treat you may get a stank eye or two for withholding, but you're not going to affect you babies health without the treats. If you do want a good treat I'd recommend rose hips, sticks, rose petals, I think goji berries are ok too. There are lots of people on here who sell and ship great treats for your Chinnie.
Also some oats will do not the slow quick cook and ready ones but the long cook oats they have them in the grocery ....I usually eat them myself too!