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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. sheri7

    Wall surfers needed

    Those are some "flying chinichillas"!
  2. sheri7

    Spaz & Houdini

    Noting cuter than a sleeping chin in big ol' pot (love the pot...great idea that I just might have to steal) and little Houdini is too cute for words
  3. sheri7

    Sister love rocks!

    She has ground into a very well rounded young lady :)
  4. sheri7

    Patches - resting comfortably?

    OMG so cute!! He really sleeps like that? Spunky is adorable too! I need a white chin.
  5. sheri7

    Oh Gizmo...

    Unfortunately I can't view the video, but the pic of him holding the spoon himself and actually eating from it is priceless. My girls would probably just spill the LL and chew the spoon for a sec and then toss it to the floor.
  6. sheri7

    Ralphy plotting to end all.

    He's too cute. Looks like Jabba the Hut :)
  7. sheri7

    Thoughts/ suggestions

    Sorry, this is not exactly what you were asking, but I noticed on your Home page that the black text is not readable on the top left hand side. You might want to try a solid background color with opposing text color, or maybe a text color such as blue that will show up on a black or white/gray...
  8. sheri7

    Quality Cage Chinchilla Mansion

    I have 2 chins in a QC mansion. Plenty of room for both.
  9. sheri7

    Photo shoot-pic heavy!

    Its unbelievable how you get your chins to pose. My chins would be eating the background props and I'd have a bunch of butt pictures. They are adorable and I love all your funny names :)
  10. sheri7

    need lots of hugs

    I'm very sorry.
  11. sheri7

    Flump & Minardi

    Sorry I can't take your chinnies, but I just wanted to say how cute they are and I LOVE the name Flump! I'm sure you'll be able to find good homes for those cuties.
  12. sheri7

    The Master of the Universe, Lord Butters...

    What a special little guys. You did a great job healing him thru his ordeal. He looks like an adorable little piglet in that first pic
  13. sheri7

    My 2 new (and final) additions - pics

    They are both adorable. I love Keika's little nose. What cuties!
  14. sheri7

    So I was bored today...

    You make it look so easy! Great job!
  15. sheri7

    back flipping chin

    Don't know if its normal, but I sure wish mine would do it. Its sounds adorable.
  16. sheri7

    Boring cage

    Mine don't really run around and play in their cage much, but they do run in their wheel and hop around on the shellves. Looks like mayb you could add some more shelves. Mine don't like hammocks (doesn't mean yours won't love it), but I have several of the fleece tubes and they are ALWAYS in...
  17. sheri7

    Baby Lisa's cutey freckles!

    She is sooooo cute!
  18. sheri7

    I got another chinchilla!

    Hahaha!! Thats too cute. CJ is going to think he has a real buddy! Love the one of him in the food bowl.