My name is Gerard and this is my apple...

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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OMG that is so cute! How dare you take away his apple. Mean, mean mommy! Gerard can come live with me I'll make sure he has all the apples his little heart desires.
I'm only mean when I have to take it out and wash it, that's why Luci has to send me Gizmos's apple that he hates anyway. :p Hurry up Luci :D
bahaha! i'll be talking to him about it. he surely hates apple. its a cute kind of hate.

i need to get it on video before sending it! lol
Ugh, I don't remember where I got the apple and as Luci mentioned I believe there was a banana in the set. Only I can't find the banana as my house is getting revamped. I did not make the apple. The only thing I ever made for my chins is re-filling their hanging wood toys :D.
im pretty sure it was petsmart.

thats where i got both. but separately. theyre rabbit toys. but since theyre fleece, stuffed with fleece and there are no crazy strings or buttons, theyre pretty safe.

gizmo adores apple. he dances with it (i think he's dancing....)
he'll hold it while standing up, bounce up and down, do a spin, then quickly toss it in the air and run around the cage. i need to get this on film....
i suck at editing posts. but i meant he adores Banana, not apple. he despises apple. lol
Oh Gerard, where have you been all my life??? The name truly fits him as he is gorgeous! I love his love affair with his apple! You might need to get that boy more fruit...maybe a whole fruit salad :)
Aw, Sandi I love the third picture down where he is just a little bowling ball behind the apple! Very cute- he's so :heart: about his apple! I also love that house you have up on stilts. Who made that?
Aw, thanks everyone :) He is the baby of the house and definitely growing up so fast.

I also love that house you have up on stilts. Who made that?

Simplychintastic makes the Castle Tower and is part of the play cubes set but you don't have to buy the play cubes.