Spaz & Houdini

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2009
Here are a couple of the rescues that I have on hand. Houdini is 9 weeks old and Spaz is a one yr old. They have been with me for a month now and are doing great. They are nearing the time to be rehomed so I thought I would take some pics to remember them.

Spaz taking a nap after a power run around the cage.

Houdini checking in on his big brother Spaz.

Houdini nom noming on some hay. Mmmmmmmm.
Spaz looks so cute taking his nap. Houdini is such a tiny chinnie. He needs a belly rub.
Houdini is just about the cutest standard kit ever! And, if I were a chin, my chosen place of napping would definitely be in that pot thing you have in there.
Noting cuter than a sleeping chin in big ol' pot (love the pot...great idea that I just might have to steal) and little Houdini is too cute for words
They are so cute! Little Houdini is so cute eating his hay :) and I agree i love the bowl idea! If i were you i wouldn't be able to let them go!
omg can i hassss them?!?!

everything about those pics is too cute! i wish i could give them hugs!